The wind booms in the trees The wind makes the trees on the ridge roar Some say this is a desperate time Some day I will rely upon the help of strangers Someday I will forget why I write Please don’t let that happen until I am ready The wind is bitter cold today What …
You are always saying You can’t stand it any more People look askance There he goes again He always goes off on that When he misses his medication Peering down the hall Shhh they’re coming Others have gotten out We’ll be like them Shhh There are ghosts in the mountains you know Informants in the …
Another poem about
Not Florida so much Not pure white birds that hunt like dinosaurs Not lizards crossing the sidewalk in colors that remind me of the psychedelic sixties Not palm trees sedately waiting for the next hurricane Not boats as big as the house my uncle lived in in Fort Lauderdale in the 60s or I mean …
This teapot
This teapot That I just bought Is not necessarily safe. This ceramic pot Made in China With a three year warranty Against flaws in manufacture Is not as innocent as it appears. It might leach metals. I was going to return it But that was last night. This morning I Opened the box Removed it …
I once worked for a bigoted narcissist. His name was Kenny. He worked out of a cavernous warehouse On the east side of Baltimore. I was a subcontractor. Life was hard. I couldn’t pick and choose Who I worked for, But with Kenny Many is the time I almost drew the line Out of a …
Woodland camo in space
leave this alone the Space Force is America’s final last ditch macho-nationalistic-bi-polar- obsessive-compulsive-masturbatory adolescent-neo-nazi-extravaganza after the kickoff and the playoff after the last truck commercial after the hard-sell and the hardball the holographic performers scintillating uberstrange powers of beauty and charisma to manufacture waves of awe zing back into the projectors and the stage folds …
My little orphaned bat-cry
I’ll keep this interruption brief as if it were just a test of the Emergency Broadcast System That we might turn down low interrupting our regular program because my cry of anguish That woke me last night was nothing in the scheme of things because my shoes were laid out By my bed waiting for …
When the power of love overcomes the love of power (Hendrix)
We will unsubscribe to hate Change our password and pray for the dead All the dead Ooooh oooooh oooooh Pink Floyd: Mother should have run for president This isn’t just upsetting What’s been happening is a waste of time All I want right now is a pine-scented candle That is really all I want I’ll …
Continue reading “When the power of love overcomes the love of power (Hendrix)”
A new way of thinking
Can I have a gun? I don’t own one. I’ll need a target for my gun? I’ll buy one at Target. Can I have a reason to own a gun? I don’t have a good reason. Why am I so different? One day my friend called. He is a writer of children’s books. He said, …
No answers
Invisible clouds of methane rise from the thawing tundra, and from bubbles percolating in the northern sea And from god-forsaken tank-farms of grief. With my special diet, these high-tech glasses And in spite of my best attempts at denial, I can clearly see the specter of extinction Afoot in the land. I took a walk …