Metaphor, the Holy Bible and the Western Hero

Corrupting Jesus to Trump the Constitution

( for Thompson Bradley ) Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. [Matthew 7:15] A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. [Matthew 7:18] Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. [Matthew 22:39] Over this past …

Orange Grinch Attack: Trump Steals Food From Mouths Of Poor

The Orange Grinch struck before Christmas with a cruel scheme that literally snatches food from the mouths of many of his adoring MAGA fans. Weeks before Christmas the Trump Administration announced implementation of new regulations for SNAP – also known as food stamps. This is the federal program that provides food assistance to folks struggling …

Is Richard Jewell Too Sensitive For Dirty Harry Fans?

Clint Eastwood Trips On a Quid Pro Quo

Clint Eastwood is a great filmmaker. Unforgiven is a flawed, but still magnificent, western that deals with the tension between legend and reality. Eastwood’s latest film – Richard Jewell – is another example of tight, well-wrought filmmaking. But as good as the film is as storytelling, it emits a rotten smell. OK, it’s hardly as …

Embedded journalists and news organizations that hire retired generals for commentary don't give the true picture

‘Afghan Papers’ Wouldn’t Be Needed If We Had a Real Independent Newsmedia

    In 1966, during the early years of the America’s war against Vietnam, Congress passed and President Johnson signed into law a Freedom of Information Act.  The FOIA wasn’t all that great at the time, though. Indeed, it took the courageous act of two men, Daniel Ellsberg and his co-conspirator, Anthony Russo, to to …

American Culture Loves a Good Killer

Killers, Gumbas and Politics Circa 2020

Donald Trump’s narcissistic, authoritarian instincts and the man’s clear admiration of Vladimir Putin’s gangster-capitalist leadership style makes me think of archetypal killers. During his campaign for president he spoke often of killing; he would anonymously refer to some of his business friends as “real killers,” which was meant as a compliment on their skills and …