Epidemic Epistle XI: A COVID-19 crisis diary by TCBH! members

How living under the pandemic has changed me as a writer

  I have a friend who had a big dream recently that was full of apocalyptic symbolism. In her dream there were catamounts prowling the city streets. It was very ominous because nobody could be sure where they were going to appear next. They would manifest on a crosswalk and vanish just as they do …

A special moment from 2016 revisited:

Greetings from Vermont on the eve of our Primary

We are revisiting a poem I wrote in 2016 that was inspired by the sparrow showing up at Bernie’s rally in Portland OR titled ‘One Day in the Asylum’ But first I want to say something about poetic truth and reality. As I get older I tend to experience the world as increasingly soulful. But …

New poem by Ron Ridenour:


Human is inhumane Greed is human Humanism is inhumane Exploitation is human Oppression is human Repression is human Torture is human Murder is human War is human   Love of humanity is inhuman   There are no more cracks in the wall Leonard Cohen is dead Hope is off the wall — Ron Ridenour   …