Herds of rhinoceroses rushing at top speed through the streets became a sight that no longer surprised anybody. People would stand aside to let them pass and then resume their stroll, or attend to their business, as if nothing had happened. – Eugene Ionesco, “Rhinoceros” Few can hold a candle to Vietnam veteran medic Mike …
Vertigo / Picking up glass on Monhegan Island
The back of Monhegan rises Over a hundred feet above the sea Like a bit of wild Ireland I am partway down A series of climbable ledges Picking up shards of glass Green and amber and clear splinters Of what’s left of beer bottles That were lobbed from the top of the cliff After the …
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Alert! Social Security and Medicare are in Critical Danger
(This article is part of a joint publication between ThisCantBeHappening.net and Tarbell.org) Watch out! Uncle Donald is coming for your and all your relatives’ Social Security and your Medicare! The all-out attack on Social Security and Medicare, those two remaining standing edifices of the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and Lyndon Johnson’s …
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So the smiling little boy stared up with lots of no cynicism His eyes like newly hatched birdies in first sun His teeth unknowing of guile At the nice Caucasian lady bending over his All-American Japanese-ness A plump go-to-church lady angry enough To believe in Christ Billowy floral dress perfume sweat It’s-all-right arm around his …
Banned from Protesting in the Nation’s Capital for Five Years back in 1967
As I was reading reports that judges and magistrates in the Federal District Court in Portland, OR have been handing out sentences to protesters arrested by President Trump’s Homeland Security goons that included bans on future protest in Oregon, I suddenly had a sense of deja vu. Back in October 1967, when I was …
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Rethinking Manhattan Project Spies and the Cold War, MAD — and the 75 years of no nuclear war — that their efforts gifted us
75 years ago, just before dawn on July 16, 1945, a cataclysmic explosion brighter than the still unseen sun hook the New Mexico desert as scientists from the top-secret Manhattan Project tested their nightmarish creation: the first atom bomb dubbed “the Gadget” by its inventors (the test was called “Trinity.”) This birth of the …
My first sip of coffee is sweet
That’s a lie The first sip isn’t sweet But with the first sip Everything else just Smacks of sweet I’m just saying My first sip says Life is sweet The second sip says That was then Third sip Toughen up mister The last sip is Strong bitter cool And I get to thinking I remember …
Our Beating Drums
Midst happy folk Midnight Congo-drumming whirling dancing Raw sugar rum swirling Stars sparkle together Sea surges as one Trees intertwine No colors divide All are one Revolutionary Cuba Che’s home of love Home of health for all Mississippi Freedom Summer Fight for Equal Rights All are one Yet in this planet divided Power is separation …
Denmark Authorities in Denial about Racist Violence
Shelter murder scene memorial Strøby Egede, Denmark — Swastika-tattooed lower leg pressed upon the victim’s chest, knee thrust under his Adam’s apple. Blood flow cut off. Heart pumps out. Knife slashes, body burns, tree branch bashes spurting blood over his body, eye popping partially out. After prolonged torture, perhaps hours long, African-Danish-born Phillip Mbuji Johansen …
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Did Tammy Duckworth Fight For Our Right to Protest?
[T]he imperial power that we veterans fought for abroad is the same one some of us are now struggling against at home, and the two couldn’t be more intimately linked. Our struggle is, at least in part, over who gets to define patriotism. – Danny Sjursen, The Nation I have nothing against Tammy Duckworth as …
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