Welcome to the Matrix: For 99.9999 percent of the human race, it may be all there ever is

I have written about how the world of human-created systems collectively constitutes an all-consuming program that is, in many ways, analogous to the Matrix in the sense that it has conditioned our worldview from top down to the micro-granular details of our lives. The only way to avoid this conditioning is to initiate out of …

Rebranding the Democratic Party:

Call it the WAR PARTY

    My colleague and long-time friend Dave Lindorff did it. He provoked me to rescind my vow, quite temporarily I’m hoping, to stop writing about political matters, at least directly. Dave’s desire to rename the Republican Party as the “Bad Losers Party”, and his closing remark opening others to rename the Democratic Party, motivated …

Accuracy in labeling matters:

Let’s Rebrand the Misnamed GOP as the BLP

David Kiphuth is a new contributor to ThisCantBeHappening! He will be contributing his own political cartoons to the site and will also be working with our writers on illustrations for article illustrations like this one today.   We need to start calling the Republican Party by a new nickname that more accurately reflects what it …

Turning a San Francisco Recall into a Rout for Police Reform

(This article appeared first in FAIR.org, the media criticism web site)   San Francisco voted on June 7 to recall its district attorney, Chesa Boudin, a reformer who had challenged the traditional “lock ’em up” policies of big-city prosecutors. The margin was initially reported as a lopsided  61%–39% landslide, in what major news media across …

We know what the real Jesus would do with this government, but how about this?

What would a real Opposition Party of the People Do?

We are currently at the mercy of a cabal of self-righteous Christian zealots with a 6-3 grip on the US Supreme Court and on Congress, thanks to an arcane structure designed by slave-owning wealthy men who handed the power to a Senate dominated by small-state rich people and to their party of Christian fascists and …