Is Richard Jewell Too Sensitive For Dirty Harry Fans?

Clint Eastwood Trips On a Quid Pro Quo

Clint Eastwood is a great filmmaker. Unforgiven is a flawed, but still magnificent, western that deals with the tension between legend and reality. Eastwood’s latest film – Richard Jewell – is another example of tight, well-wrought filmmaking. But as good as the film is as storytelling, it emits a rotten smell. OK, it’s hardly as …

Embedded journalists and news organizations that hire retired generals for commentary don't give the true picture

‘Afghan Papers’ Wouldn’t Be Needed If We Had a Real Independent Newsmedia

    In 1966, during the early years of the America’s war against Vietnam, Congress passed and President Johnson signed into law a Freedom of Information Act.  The FOIA wasn’t all that great at the time, though. Indeed, it took the courageous act of two men, Daniel Ellsberg and his co-conspirator, Anthony Russo, to to …

American Culture Loves a Good Killer

Killers, Gumbas and Politics Circa 2020

Donald Trump’s narcissistic, authoritarian instincts and the man’s clear admiration of Vladimir Putin’s gangster-capitalist leadership style makes me think of archetypal killers. During his campaign for president he spoke often of killing; he would anonymously refer to some of his business friends as “real killers,” which was meant as a compliment on their skills and …

Back-stabbing ambassadors goes international:

African Leader Follows Trump’s Dirty Deal Playbook When Sacking An Ambassador

Donald Trump’s infamous undermining, threatening and driving out of her position of the American ambassador to the Ukraine earlier this year -– now an key element in the impeachment inquiry of the President -– contains gross similarities to the terse termination just months later of the African Union’s ambassador to America. The attaks on and …

Presidential high crimes and misdemeanors, unchallenged, become the new reality going forward

Conviction and Removal Aren’t the Issue; It’s Impeachment of Trump that is Essential

A lot of pundit verbiage and Democratic Party internal debate as well is being wasted on the question of whether Trump could be convicted successfully in a Senate currently run by a lickspittle Republican majority afr0aid of their shadows and devoid of any concern for the fate of Constitutional government. Let’s accept that the 20-plus …

Billionaire entitlement run amok:

Bloomberg for President? God No!

Michael Bloomberg, according to Forbes Magazine the 9th richest man in the world with a net worth this year of $54.7 billion, isn’t just the real billionaire candidate for President in 2020 (Donald Trump’s net worth is almost certainly not counted in the billions, and could be negative for all we know, since he won’t …

Call to resist the ongoing assault on Assange and Manning

Mr. Johnson, Tear Down This Wall!

   On June 12, 1987, the greatest president in the history of the United States of America (according to US opinion polls), Ronald Reagan, challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. Twenty-nine months later, November 9, 1989, the communist party leaderships of the DDR and Soviet Union, complied and opened the wall. I …