Short-term Tough Guy, Long-Term International Menace

Donald Trump’s War is a Tragedy Foretold

Here we go again. We lived through George Bush Senior’s war, then George Bush Junior’s war and now we have Donald Trump’s war. Our leaders don’t learn from our mistakes very well. True, the curtain is just rising on Act Three, and the players are just now entering the stage; no one in the audience …

Opening Pandora’s Box in Iraq:

Trump Hit on Iranian Commander Puts a Target on His Own and Top US Generals’ Backs

  As far back as at least the American Revolution, there was an unwritten rule among combatants that you don’t kill the commander in the field of battle. That’s why generals could be seen directing their troops while sitting astride a horse behind the front lines —easy targets for anyone equipped with a rifled barrel …

No ‘Happy New Year’ wish this time:

Hard Times are Coming in 2020 and in the Decade Ahead

  Gentle reader, I am afraid cannot bring myself to offer you the expected “Happy New Year” greeting at the start of this decade. The traditional phrase for today sticks in my craw. It just seems too ridiculous and inappropriate to our reality to be uttered with any sincerity. 2020 and the decade that it …

Blinded by impeachment mania in Washington and the nation's newsrooms:

Giuliani’s a Slimeball but Bribing Maduro to Quit Office was Less Evil than Bolton’s Efforts to Spark a Coup or Civil War

  The latest Trump administration news is a Washington Post article reporting that Trump’s “personal lawyer” Rudy Giuliani, was working a private “back channel” negotiation this past year with embattled Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in a failed effort to persuade Maduro to quit his office and leave the country. The Post, and some of the …

When the power of love overcomes the love of power (Hendrix)

We will unsubscribe to hate Change our password and pray for the dead All the dead Ooooh oooooh oooooh Pink Floyd: Mother should have run for president This isn’t just upsetting What’s been happening is a waste of time All I want right now is a pine-scented candle That is really all I want I’ll …

Metaphor, the Holy Bible and the Western Hero

Corrupting Jesus to Trump the Constitution

( for Thompson Bradley ) Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. [Matthew 7:15] A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. [Matthew 7:18] Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. [Matthew 22:39] Over this past …

American Oligarch:

Mike Bloomberg’s Campaign Staff Doesn’t Work Like Slaves, They ARE Slaves

  Michael Bloomberg, America’s 8th richest billionaire according to the latest annual survey by Forbes Magazine, owns one of this country’s biggest media empires, and is personally currently worth $56.1 billion. That makes him an oligarch, exactly like those oligarchs that the US media and US politicians love to accuse of polluting Russia’s political system. …

Orange Grinch Attack: Trump Steals Food From Mouths Of Poor

The Orange Grinch struck before Christmas with a cruel scheme that literally snatches food from the mouths of many of his adoring MAGA fans. Weeks before Christmas the Trump Administration announced implementation of new regulations for SNAP – also known as food stamps. This is the federal program that provides food assistance to folks struggling …

Bernie Sanders is the person you used to be but forgot about:

OK Boomers, Wake UP!

  I keep reading that polls show young people — the so-called Millennial Generation aged 23-38— are overwhelmingly backing Bernie Sanders in the race for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination (along with even younger voters) while the so-called Baby Boom Generation of people now aged roughly 55 to 75 are going for Joe Biden, Mike …