New poem by Ron Ridenour:


Human is inhumane Greed is human Humanism is inhumane Exploitation is human Oppression is human Repression is human Torture is human Murder is human War is human   Love of humanity is inhuman   There are no more cracks in the wall Leonard Cohen is dead Hope is off the wall — Ron Ridenour   …

Free Julian Assange! Stand up for press freedom!

London Police Grab Wikileaks Founder from Ecuador Embassy, Admit US Seeks His Extradition

Update:  A kangaroo magistrate’s court in London, moments after hearing Julian Assange plead “not guilty” to the charge of skipping out on a court hearing seven years ago on a Swedish extraditio request seeking to question about allegations (not formal charges) of rape and sexual abuse — a case that had subsequently been dropped by …

Political cartoonist Ron Cobb memorialized Phil Ochs in April 1976

Remembering the Loss of a Great and Irreplaceable Political Troubadour

The harried and still getting-the-hang-of-things staff of the Los Angeles Vanguard were frantically pasting up the boards of the pages to deliver to the printer to put out the ninth issue of their new left-alternative weekly on time when political cartoonist Ron Cobb walked in the door looking downcast. Ron, who was there to hand …

Book review:

Exposing Washington’s Obsession with Nuclear Supremacy and Its Decline as a Military Power

Losing Military Supremacy: The myopia of American strategic planning               Author: Andrei Martyanov                                                                          …

Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan headed Boeing's civil aviation unit before his current job...

The Boeing 737 Max 8 Scandal May Be the Tip of a Bloody Iceberg of Corruption

Here’s Dave Lindorff being interviewed on Sputnik radio about the implications of the deadly Boeing 737 Max 8 avionics software flaw, the questionable delay in US regulators ordering grounding of the planes, and what it means that the man who oversaw Boeing’s civilian aircraft unit, Patrick Shanahan, has been undersecretary of defense and is now …