Hong Kong and Puerto Rico:

Two Colonies Doomed to 2nd-Class Status and Remote Central Government Control

Two photos speak volumes about the striking similarity between Hong Kong and Puerto Rico, one an island and peninsular former colony of Britain, which conquered and held onto it since the Opium War in 1841, now returned to China, but still existing in a kind of neo-colonial relationship to that country, the other an island …

Calling out lying media and Establishment Dems like Harris and Biden

The BS about Medicare-for-All Has to Stop!

It is increasingly clear that the wagons have circled both in the Democratic National Committee and in the news media to shut down any possibility of a national health plan as proposed by Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) or Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. The media for their part, keep touting — almost …

Revenge masks robbery

MOVE: Injustice Ignites Excessive Costs

The recent release of three inmates from prisons in Pennsylvania – persons considered political prisoners by many worldwide – is a poignant reminder of how the costs of injustice ravage not just those directly targeted for persecution but also the taxpayers who unwittingly pay for that persecution. The 40-years of unjust, revenge-driven imprisonment endured by …

What if millions of citizens checked the box saying you're not citizens?

How to defeat the Trump Administration’s Racist, Republican-Rescuing Census Corruption

President Donald Trump, thanks to a perhaps congenital inability to stop running his mouth, may ultimately undermine his administration’s effort to corrupt the integrity of the upcoming 2020 Census. His latest blurting out that the reason for his wanting to add a controversial question about citizenship status to the Census form is for “redistricting” could …

What's to celebrate?

US is a Classic Empire and Is Becoming a Repressive Police State at Home

As I set out to fly home from the UK on Monday following a short film project in Cambridge, I found my boarding pass, which I had been blocked from obtaining online the night before, carrying a bold-faced SSSS stamp in the lower right corner. Asking about it I was told by the British employee …

He’s Not a Racist; He’s a Machiavellian Opportunist

Biden Needs to Address Why He Threw Black Males Under the Bus

Last Thursday’s debate among 10 Democratic candidates included front-runner Joe Biden. The high point of the debate was when Kamala Harris pressed hard on Biden about his views in opposition to busing to de-segregate schools. “There was a little girl in California,” she said, looking right at him, “who was part of the second class …