Hope for a progressive White House is on the line

Warren’s Choice: Quit Now and Back Sanders or Continue a Doomed Campaign and Help Defeat Him?

I started this article intending prior to Super Tuesday, to appeal to Sen. Elizabeth Warren to be true to her ‘Sooner State’ roots and to drop out sooner, not later. I realize that dropping out is not in her nature, but feel it’s worth a try, for the sake of her being able to claim …

A special moment from 2016 revisited:

Greetings from Vermont on the eve of our Primary

We are revisiting a poem I wrote in 2016 that was inspired by the sparrow showing up at Bernie’s rally in Portland OR titled ‘One Day in the Asylum’ But first I want to say something about poetic truth and reality. As I get older I tend to experience the world as increasingly soulful. But …

It’s coming so stay calm but get ready!:

COVID 19 Could Kill at the Same Rate as the 1918 Flu, But There Are Ways to Protect Yourself and Others

By Kris Neuhaus, MD, MPH If you’re like me, you probably take advice from experts with the proverbial “grain of salt”. That is just part of our midwestern heritage. As often as not, the warnings turn out to be over-blown, or at least seem to be when viewed from the rear window. Think Y2K bug, …

Hold tight!:

Bernie’s Leap Ahead to Tuesday’s ‘March Madness’

      Today is Saturday, February 29, South Carolina’s primary day. It’s a leap year and three more days to “Super Tuesday.”  That’s got me  thinking about ‘superlative’ thoughts and how they affect us.  This is an opportune moment to consider what makes things “supercharged.” What is it that makes things power through, and …

America, Which Is It Gonna Be?

Democratic Socialist or Democratic Fascist

Any religion that professes to be concerned about the souls of men and is not concerned about … the economic conditions that strangle them and the social conditions that cripple them is a spiritually moribund religion awaiting burial. – Martin Luther King In their [evangelical Christians’] view, Christ did not live a perfect life so …

Court courts cops

Pa High Court’s King-sized Assault On Abu-Jamal

Recently the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania again underscored its willingness to impede justice in the contentious case of imprisoned journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal through issuance of an unusual decision that utilized a rarely employed power of that court. Pennsylvania’s highest court used its King’s Bench authority to order an investigation into conflict of interest charges against …

Is Bloomberg an Edsel or a Pinto?:

Billionaire Bloomberg is Proving No Amount of Advertising Can Sell a Flawed Product

  Bloomberg has spent over $500 million (half a billion dollars!) over less than two months on his armchair “campaign” for the Democratic presidential nomination. The result of this appalling financial juggernaut, after a short initial pop into double digits in the polls, is pretty dismal. Bloomberg’s polling numbers have plateaued and even sunk in …

The attack on Medicare for All is on:

Saying Government-Funded Healthcare’s Too Costly is Nuts…Unless You Think the US Uniquely Can’t Do It

  Note: This article is being co-published with Tarbell.org, an investigative news site founded by Wendell Potter that focuses on healthcare, military spending and climate change issues.    The new corporate media and conservative Democratic argument against front-runner Bernie Sanders’ eminently logical proposal for creating a single-payer government health insurance program that he calls “Medicare …


You are always saying You can’t stand it any more People look askance There he goes again He always goes off on that When he misses his medication Peering down the hall Shhh they’re coming Others have gotten out We’ll be like them Shhh There are ghosts in the mountains you know Informants in the …