Chief Executioner Trump:

‘Let the Fish Fry Proceed!’

By Rip Rense             Let’s see, let’s see. . . A million point two total infections in Uncle Sam Land. Seventy-five thousand-plus brand spankin’ new corpses. With those cute rigor mortis grins and blind dry eyeballs. Hospitals little more than clearing houses for the Great Beyond. Or probably not so great. Refrigerator truck doors bursting open …

US Embassy useless for most citizens in trouble abroad, but not if you've invaded a country:

US Wants Release of Two Special Forces Veterans Who Led Failed Coup Invasion of Venezuela

  Imperial overreach was on full display this week as the US government demanded that a pair of US citizens — former Special Forces soldiers leading a 60-man invasion of Venezuela with the goal of fomenting a coup and/or capturing or killing that country’s elected president — be released from arrest and returned to the …

Epidemic Epistle VI: A COVID-19 crisis diary by Dave & Gary Lindorff

Johnny’s so long at the Fair: My trip to Home Depot

I’m 69 years old, Living at the end of a long dirt road and drive. They haven’t called me back to work yet But I imagine it won’t be long. (My job that I get a paycheck for Is not quite essential.) I haven’t been to town for a long time. My car has been …

April 30 marks a rare victory for the American left:

Thoughts on the Liberation of Saigon and the end to America’s Genocidal War Against the Vietnamese People

  The following are recollections from several members of the ThisCantBeHappening! Collective about our various anti-war movement struggles and of the day of final triumph in Vietnam 45 years ago today.   Dave Lindorff:  A Day in the Park Like No Other When the US war on Vietnam ended on April 30, 1975 with Vietnamese …

With 20-50% of pandemic deaths in nursing homes there are really two pandemics

Institutionalized Elderly are Facing a Massacre, not an Epidemic

There are really two pandemics currently wreaking havoc across the US. Both involve the same COVID-19 virus, but while they are both terrifying and dangerous they differ in the type of damage they are causing. One epidemic is a general contagion afflicting everyone. Even as the number of people it kills still remains relatively low …

The Sanders and socialism debate:

The Roots to Social Democracy, Capitalism and Socialism

Bernie Sanders began running for president describing himself first as a socialist, later as a “democratic socialist”. The news media (when it wasn’t ignoring him) in turn called him a “socialist” or even, in their opinion pages, a “communist” or a “Bolshevik,”. His red-baiting opponents, and even his supporters and opponents on the left, have been arguing about …

Epidemic Epistle V: A COVID-19 crisis diary by Dave & Gary Lindorff

Becoming a Marginalized Person in a Pandemic is Eye-Opening

Body bags piling up in a Detroit hospital (click here to view video) By Dave Lindorff           As a white male from a middle class family in which both parents had gone to college, a dad who was a tenured professor with a  PhD in electrical engineering and degrees from MIT …

This is what American democracy has sunk to:

Two Mentally Challenged Candidates to Choose Between for US President?

  The US is hurtling into uncharted waters as a polity, with the two likely candidates for president this November both clearly suffering from significant cognitive impairment and evidence of continuing mental decline.  Back in 1980, the American voters elected a man, Ronald Reagan, who unbeknownst to them already had the beginnings of Alzheimer’s dementia. …