If Social Security matters to you, can you trust Trump?

Older Voters, especially Republicans, Need to Think Before They Vote

  In 2016, exit polls show that Donald Trump won the over-50 vote by a big margin. With voters over the age of 50 accounting for 45% of voters that year, Trump, according to  a study by AARP was the choice of 55% of that demographic, compared to 44% who voted for Hillary Clinton.  Trump’s …

Right-wing columnists seem to get a factcheck pass:

When It Comes to the Truth of Opinion Columns, It’s ‘Reader Beware’

  It is quite normal for newspapers to run columns in their editorial pages written by people who don’t share the same editorial perspective of the publication’s editors. It’s why they call them “op-ed pages”—for “opposite the editorial page.” But normally, there is at least the assumption, among professional journalists and readers alike, that the opinion pieces …

Postal service cuts bad for public health:

Trump and Crony Postmaster’s Attack on the USPS Threatens Nation’s Rural Residents, not just the Election

  In these pandemic days most of us are used to the daily visits from trucks belonging to Amazon, Fed-X and UPS, as well as Uber and Lyft drivers delivering everything from food to clothing and parts for DIY plumbing and electric repairs. With all that private delivery service activity going on, it’s easy to …

Non-Violent Meets Non-Lethal

Veteran Slimed By Rhinos In Portland

Herds of rhinoceroses rushing at top speed through the streets became a sight that no longer surprised anybody. People would stand aside to let them pass and then resume their stroll, or attend to their business, as if nothing had happened. – Eugene Ionesco, “Rhinoceros” Few can hold a candle to Vietnam veteran medic Mike …

Bummed by climate change, Covid and realizing Biden's the best our 'democratic' system has to offer? Consider what a spider can do...

Sometimes We Need a Little Reminder from Nature

Last night, a 1.5-inch writing spider, in the short span of three hours, managed to construct a web bridging a 12-foot open span of our back porch, including a huge sticky 3′ X 2′ web net of closely parallel strands designed for catching even small flying insects. I nearly face-planted right on the middle where …

No cuts in service, hours or staffing for 6 months, and make it a public bank too!

Save the US Postal Service and Defend the Vote!

  Fishs Eddy, 13774 –Over the last 15 or so years, I’ve had two post offices vanish from towns I live in. The first was in Maple Glen, PA, a small town we moved to when we left Hong Kong in 1997. The town center, where the post office was located, is basically a triangle …

Trump and ICE take a page from the Nazi playbook:

Gassing Immigrants in Detention with a Highly Toxic Industrial Disinfectant

  As the first and hopefully only presidential term of Donald Trump nears its November 3 moment of truth, the accusations of fascist or even Nazi tendencies and actions by him and his administration have multiplied. But this latest one I’m calling out is particularly horrific:  The use of a powerful “for industrial use only” …

Trump launches attack on key programs for the elderly

Alert! Social Security and Medicare are in Critical Danger

  (This article is part of a joint publication between ThisCantBeHappening.net and Tarbell.org)   Watch out! Uncle Donald is coming for your and all your relatives’ Social Security and your Medicare! The all-out attack on Social Security and Medicare, those two remaining standing edifices of the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and Lyndon Johnson’s …