Epidemic Epistle XI: A COVID-19 crisis diary by TCBH! members

How living under the pandemic has changed me as a writer

  I have a friend who had a big dream recently that was full of apocalyptic symbolism. In her dream there were catamounts prowling the city streets. It was very ominous because nobody could be sure where they were going to appear next. They would manifest on a crosswalk and vanish just as they do …

They're wearing masks in coal country, and no trashing Biden signs

In Pennsylvania’s ‘Trump Country’ Signs Say Enthusiasm for the President Has Faded

  Fishs Eddy, NY — Driving from Philadelphia to our summer home in the Catskill Mountains region of upstate New York, my wife and I normally leave Interstate I-81 at the old coal-mining and railway center of Scranton, and head off on a meandering route on secondary roads through hill country passing farms, woods and …

Figuring out a fabulist

Big Lies About Blacks From Bigot Boy

During President Trump’s appearance on a nationally televised Town Hall forum held recently at the U.S. Constitution Center in Philadelphia, he engaged in the ‘Big Lie’ – that propaganda technique linked with Hitler’s Nazi regime. Trump spun Big Lies of varying size on topics ranging from health care to racial hatred throughout that Q-&-A session …

False ‘progressive’ claim must be challenged:

Rep. Madeleine Dean Won’t Get My Vote for Re-Election

  I voted enthusiastically two years ago for Democrat Madeleine Dean to represent the newly un-gerrymandered Congressional district in which I live here in Pennsylvania. An attorney who moved into politics and was a state representative in Harrisburgh at the time she ran for Congress in 2018, Dean sold herself as a new progressive voice …

Time for a little truth about the economic crisis:

Screwing with the Unemployment Statistics By Dave Lindorff

  Something is screwy about unemployment numbers coming out of Washington. In late July, just before the end of the supplemental $600 weekly checks for people collecting unemployment benefits, the New York Times reported that 30 million were receiving those checks. That’s 30 million laid-off workers who qualified for unemployment benefits, which is not everyone …

Commander-in-Chief Bonespur waddles into a new controversy:

Trump Disses Troops but Correctly Labels 2 of America’s Costliest Wars Unjustified or ‘Stupid’

Let’s be honest about America’s wars and the men (overwhelmingly) and women who have fought them. Most of the wars that the US has launched or fought in, dating back to at least the War of 1812, were not just or necessary, could have been avoided, and wasted precious lives and national wealth, often while …