Is it time to get tough with Israel and Saudi Arabia?

The Abraham Accords Are Not a “Peace Deal”

Last week, the New York Times ran an article about the current hostilities in the Middle East under The Abraham Accords and what they mean for an incoming Biden administration. These accords — diplomatically linking Israel with several Arab states — were negotiated by Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, whose father, Charles, is a longtime donor …

Avoiding Trump/Netanyahu's Patriotic War Trap

Joe Biden and the American Shame of War

Sadly, my generation had to relearn the lessons of Vietnam in Iraq and Afghanistan. But in coming to terms with our defeat, we have a chance to ensure that we do not sacrifice future generations to such folly.       – Timothy Kudo, Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, from a NY Times op-ed I’m sure President-Elect Joe …

This is Not Our First Perilous Post-Election

Is Joe Biden Already Biting the Hand That Got Him Elected?

It gets deeper and deeper by the day, with less than 60 days to go. If, like me, you see the Trump Presidency as a live reality show — or maybe a post-postmodern autofiction novel narrated by Norman Mailer’s ghost — you’re turning pages like mad anticipating the final scene. Will he leave? Will elements …

Non-Violent Meets Non-Lethal

Veteran Slimed By Rhinos In Portland

Herds of rhinoceroses rushing at top speed through the streets became a sight that no longer surprised anybody. People would stand aside to let them pass and then resume their stroll, or attend to their business, as if nothing had happened. – Eugene Ionesco, “Rhinoceros” Few can hold a candle to Vietnam veteran medic Mike …

An argument that doesn't pass the smell test

Did Tammy Duckworth Fight For Our Right to Protest?

[T]he imperial power that we veterans fought for abroad is the same one some of us are now struggling against at home, and the two couldn’t be more intimately linked. Our struggle is, at least in part, over who gets to define patriotism. – Danny Sjursen, The Nation I have nothing against Tammy Duckworth as …

The Truth Will Set Us Free

Inaccurate Public History Is the Issue, Not Statues

The conquerors of America glorified the devastation they wrought in visions of righteousness, and their descendants have been reluctant to peer through the aura. – Francis Jennings, The Invasion of America: Indians, Colonialism, and the Cant of Conquest. During the summer of 2020, an angry mob tore down a public bust of Ulysses Grant in …

Confessions of a White Privileged Radical

Walking the ‘Hood With the Bats

In a time when Americans are inundated by messages of “support the troops,” and “honor our veterans,” and simultaneously veterans continue to commit suicide at alarming rates, go homeless and hungry, face battles with addiction, and isolate themselves, it certainly feels as if more effort can be made to think of and offer innovative programs …

Hybrid War as a Domestic Political Tool

Operation War President

Newsflash, The New York Times, March 31, 2020: As the coronavirus pandemic brings the world to a juddering halt and anxious citizens demand action, leaders across the globe are invoking executive powers and seizing virtually dictatorial authority with scant resistance. . . . As the new laws broaden state surveillance, allow governments to detain people …

Could COVID19 be a communist plot?

Memes and Viruses

Something pretty amazing is happening thanks to the COVID19 virus. Doctors, nurses and other health workers are being respected in ways they haven’t been until now. Last night, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell expressed the current narrative in a way I’ve never encountered before. He was speaking of nurses, but it would apply to other health workers …