We know what the real Jesus would do with this government, but how about this?

What would a real Opposition Party of the People Do?

We are currently at the mercy of a cabal of self-righteous Christian zealots with a 6-3 grip on the US Supreme Court and on Congress, thanks to an arcane structure designed by slave-owning wealthy men who handed the power to a Senate dominated by small-state rich people and to their party of Christian fascists and …

Two realities

Bodies were lying for weeks in the streets. We couldn’t bury dead people. We tried not to watch them. It was more important to save our minds. Burying the dead equalled being killed. The shelling was non-stop. We all stayed in the basement. We cooked food on a fire. We lived off what we could …

'We want to see Russia weakened':

War Secretary Austin Comes Clean: US Wants a Long War in Ukraine, Not a Quick Peace

  We’ve moved into crazy town, with President Biden, who cannot get Congress or even his own Democratic Congressional caucus to back continued aid to families with children through the expanded child tax credit, now asking Congress to provide another $20 billion in military aid to Ukraine (part of a $33-(billion aid package to the …

Those were the days!: What was the cold war like? (followed by some thoughts)

What was the Cold War like? It was like falling asleep To the moaning of a phantom train Barreling through our dreams, And when we woke up It was like a cavern Where we could peer straight into hell. It was like living in an insane asylum Administered by maniacs That we would vote for, …

A rant followed by a big dream followed by some thoughts on psychedelics and the microbiome

I need to get something off my chest. This is a rant: It occurs to me, as I contemplate the horrors of Ukraine, that I would not wish our system on the world as alternative because our system is the most violent system in the world. It is insidiously violent when it’s not blatantly violent. …