Impunity for brutality must end

Police Brutality Strikes Again — This Time in Philadelphia!

Over two decades ago Philadelphia’s then top prosecutor made an observation applicable to recent actions by many members of the Philadelphia Police Department. Those recent foul actions include the fatal police shooting of a mentally ill man and the vicious police beating of a woman and her teenage nephew that also traumatized this woman’s two-year-old …

Take a stand and defend the vote on Election Day

Blatant Double Standard in US Media Reporting on Rigged Elections in US vs. Latin America and Elsewhere

  When Venezuela’s popular leader, the late Hugo Chavez, won election to his four presidential terms, each time there were charges from the US that the elections were rigged in his favor. Those charges have grown worse since the popular socialist leader’s death from cancer when he was succeeded by his vice president Nikolas Maduro. …

50th country ratifies UN treaty banning nuclear weapons

Effective January 1, 2021 Nuclear Weapons Will Be Illegal

  Flash! Nuclear bombs and warheads have just joined landmines, germ and chemical bombs and fragmentation bombs as illegal weapons under international law, as on Oct. 24  a 50th nation, the Central American country of Honduras, ratified and signed a UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Of course, the reality is that despite …

Ain't gonna happen

Democratic Fantasy of Creating Two New States to Add Four New Democratic Senators

Establishment Democrats are suggesting that if they can get former Vice President Joe Biden over the finish line not with a squeaker of a win but with a landslide, and take solid control of the Senate too, they will be able to cement control of the upper house of Congress by adding four more Democratic …

Supreme travesty

The Nomination Of Judge Barrett: Another Denigration Of Honor

Honor is a word President Trump’s latest nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court – Amy Coney Barrett – employed twice in the first few seconds of her remarks during that Rose Garden ceremony on the last Saturday in September. Of course, Judge Barrett, who’s taught at law schools, employed definitionally appropriate usage of the word …

Epidemic Epistle XI: A COVID-19 crisis diary by TCBH! members

How living under the pandemic has changed me as a writer

  I have a friend who had a big dream recently that was full of apocalyptic symbolism. In her dream there were catamounts prowling the city streets. It was very ominous because nobody could be sure where they were going to appear next. They would manifest on a crosswalk and vanish just as they do …

False ‘progressive’ claim must be challenged:

Rep. Madeleine Dean Won’t Get My Vote for Re-Election

  I voted enthusiastically two years ago for Democrat Madeleine Dean to represent the newly un-gerrymandered Congressional district in which I live here in Pennsylvania. An attorney who moved into politics and was a state representative in Harrisburgh at the time she ran for Congress in 2018, Dean sold herself as a new progressive voice …