Credit where credit’s due:

Credit where credit’s due: Trump Does Something Right for Once

By Dave Lindorff It’s entertaining to read and watch the collective horror being expressed in the US media and the Congress as President Trump unexpectedly calls for a quick end to US military involvement in Syria, where for years US forces and CIA-trained fighters have been wreaking havoc and death and sowing chaos in a …

It's not too early to be thinking about punishment:

Making Trump and Other Climate Criminals Pay

Warnings from climate scientists and climate monitoring organizations are growing progressively more dire, frightening and depressing. There is new evidence that the melt rate of Greenland’s mile-thick ice cover is starting to happen at a “runaway” pace — one that could end up raising sea levels by some 23 feet. New evidence too that Western …

Election Special:

Many Rural Citizens Vote Against Their Own Medicaid in State and Federal Elections

This story was written for It is being co-published with the Hancock Herald in Hancock, N.Y. and West Virginia Public Radio’s 100 Days in Appalachia.   Fishs Eddy, NY — Most of Betty Rosengrant’s extended family needs Medicaid. They’re also mostly Republicans. Rosengrant, a resident of this little villlage in the Town of Hancock, says she …

The solution to the refugee crisis is generous aid to struggling Central American countries, not a Pentagon mobilization

Scaremongering is the Only Thing Trump and Republicans Have Got

Here it is. See for yourself the terrifying “caravan” advancing through Mexico from Honduras, set to “invade” the US, bringing, according to President Trump and the reactionary media that support him, “rapists, killers, Arab terrorists, and diseases.” This “caravan,” according to a report in the UK newspaper the Independent,  is actually an assemblage of several …

What about those White House 'kill lists'?

When It Comes to Having Leaders Who Murder the US is a Pace Setter

The brutal murder of sometime Washington Post visiting columnist Jamal Khashoogi, apparently on orders from Saudi Arabia’s de facto leader Prince  Mohammed bin Salman, has many American journalists and columnists in high dudgeon. How, they ask, can the US be allied to a country run by such a blood-thirsty leader? How can the US ally …