Trump to World: Accept You're a Loser and We Can Be Friends

Genius President Plays with Fire

Did President Donald Trump go soft at the last minute and decide the 150 Iranian souls expected to die in an attack that was “10 minutes away” should live? We’re told the planes were in the air when he had his magnanimous, humanitarian moment. It reminds me of the story told by Fyodor Dostoevsky about …

The US as rogue nation number 1

What About International Law and Invasions Requiring UN Security Council Approval?

President Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are saying that they have proof that Iran blew holes in two oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz linking the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Sea, and so, we’re being told in a report in the Jerusalem Post and earlier in …

What about Venezuela’s hacked power grid?

US Cyber Attack on Russia’s Power Grid is an ‘Act of War’ (According to the US)

Russia and the US are engaging in tit-for-tat hacking of each others’ power grid, the New York Times is reporting, in what is really a kind of cyber “cold war” where the hackers from each country’s military and intelligence services load electronic “explosives” in the computer systems of critical infrastructure of the other, that in …

Captain 'cops' cop

Blood-Red Whitewash on a Blue Sea

Remember the Vincennes? That’s the name of the U.S. Navy warship that shot down an Iranian airliner with missiles in 1988, killing all 290 people aboard that airplane. That shoot down, in which 60 children perished, was an accident, according to the U.S. Navy’s official report. However, many, including military personnel, considered that report a …

Bigots in blue

Philadelphia Police Department – A Home For Hate

The recent protest outside Philadelphia’s Police headquarters – triggered by yet another instance of police racism – had an emphasis distinctively different from similar demonstrations during past decades against recurring police misconduct in the city that preens as the Birthplace of Democracy in America. While protestors demanded disciplinary action against the 328 individual officers responsible …

Forget Russia-gate, now it's US-gate!

US Election Meddling Extends to Britain

So now we have pompous Mike Pompeo, America’s current Secretary of State, on a visit to the UK, assuring a group of British Jewish leaders in a closed-door meeting that the US would work to prevent Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn from becoming prime minister if his party were to win enough votes in the next …