Studies expose stupidity on 'smoke'

Wrong On Weed – Blacks And Marijuana Myths

When New Jersey State Senator Ronald Rice roadblocked legislation to legalize adult use of marijuana in the ‘Garden State’ last year he cited a litany of long debunked theories and specious assertions like legalization will inundate minority communities with “marijuana bodegas.” The stance of Rice, an African American, helped stall efforts by New Jersey’s Governor …

Notes on viral separation

Gimme Shelter

  Contributed to ThisCantBeHappening! by Rip Rense It’s lurking. It’s salivating. It’s breathless, waiting in the pandemic quiet. And at first opportunity, it will step out, roaring, spitting fire, devouring free will yet again as it commands you, you, you, and you to consume, consume, consume. All in the name of “returning to normal.” Well, I …

Staying to the Left:

Finding a Strategy in the Wake of Sanders’ Cave-in

  By Laurie Dobson If you are on the left with nowhere to go, as Laurence O’Donnell explains in a ‘viral’ meme, you have to show that you are capable of not voting. As Caitlin Johnstone has warned on April 13, in her article, at , there will be a barrage of manipulation designed …

The third in a ThisCantBeHappening! discussion of the 2020 Sanders campaign:

Sanders is No Socialist; He’s not even a Democratic Socialist

  By Ron Ridenour   Entering into the debate on the pages of TCHB, namely pieces by Laurie Dobson (April 9) and Dave Lindorff, let me start by defining what social democracy is and is not. Social democracy is not socialism. It is various reforms for improving workers lives so that they will not overthrow …

John Prine and Bernie Sanders:

Honoring Two Men Just Brought Down by the Coronavirus Pandemic

  Two hugely important people were taken down by COVID-19 this past week. Both have left a legacy, the importance of which cannot be ignored. John Prine The first struck down last week is one of the greatest modern songwriters of my lifetime, John Prine. One of my favorite musicians, Prine was a humble, funny …

Another Sanders betrayal

Sanders Supporter Asks Why Didn’t Sanders Carry on the Fight to the End?

By Laurie Dobson As people come to grips today with the Wednesday’s announcement that Bernie Sanders has suspended, i.e. dropped out of, his campaign, a myriad of collective feelings will have to run their inevitable course. My first reactions are that I feel profoundly let down. In the middle of Holy Week, for God’s sake! …

Epidemic Epistle III: A COVID-19 crisis diary by Dave & Gary Lindorff:

It’s Spring and I’ve Turned 71 in a Pandemic-Induced Recession

  I’m feeling a little weird these days.  No, don’t worry! I’m not coming down with suspicious flu-like symptoms. So far fortunately, I’m managing to stay healthy despite my 71 years and a lung condition that makes me particularly at risk of any respiratory illness that comes along — much the worse if it’s a …

No helping hand from the little hands man

Americans Stranded Abroad — Another Coronavirus Crisis Scandal

Neshamah Maillard understands the necessity for ‘social distancing’ to combat the deadly health crisis from the Coronavirus Pandemic. However, Maillard never thought in her wildest imagination that the ‘social distancing’ required for Coronavirus meant her staying over 3,500-miles from her daughter. But Coronavirus chaos resulted in Maillard, a Philadelphia-area resident, being thousands of miles from …