Who needs cops for school discipline, domestic disputes, traffic control and serving warrants?

Movement to Defund US Police Departments is a Beautiful and Doable Idea

  The new call to “defund the police departments” is a brilliant idea whose time has come. As an activist eloquently put the case in a hearing before the Minneapolis City Council, “The police are a 19th-century creation that is inappropriate for a 21st-century society.” Absolutely correct. As we have written on this site earlier, …

Close to mutinous language by top US military leadership

In Astonishing Move, Both Defense Secretary Esper and Joint Chiefs Chair Milley Tell Troops To Defend Constitution and People’s Freedom, not President

President Trump really went a bridge too far with his bizarre Bible photo op and his order for federal troops to attack peaceful White House protesters to allow him to exit his white house bunker and walk unimpeded across the street to a church to have his photo taken holding it up (after having it …

Fascism on the march:

Is Trump Using the Nation’s Capital as a Test Site for Scrapping Constitutional Government and Establishing Martial Law?

It’s been less than two weeks since the murder by cop of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and in that short time, an astonishing rebellion has sprung up from the angry grass roots. It began among a black population for whom this vicious videotaped slow and casual killing of a non-violent black suspect of a minor …

We are all George Floyd in police-state America:

Cop Pushes Old White Man Over Backwards, Leaves Victim Bleeding and Unconscious After Head Hits Sidewalk Hard

  Watching the police response to the nationwide uprising against police brutality is by turns infuriating and depressing. It hardly matters whether or not it’s a minority of police officer who are behaving as the “pigs” we used to call them back in the 1960s and ‘70s, because if they can do the kinds of …

Fascism on the march

Is Trump Using the Nation’s Capital as a Test Site for Scrapping Constitutional Government and Establishing Martial Law?

It was 31 years ago today that the Chinese government, confronted by a lengthy occupation of Tiananmen Square in the center of the nation’s capital city of Beijing by students and supportive workers, journalists and other members of Chinese society, launched a bloody attack by the People’s Liberation Army that left countless Chinese citizens of …

Sorry, I can’t let this Trumper hero-worshipping BS go unchallenged:

Calling Trump ‘Brave’ for Ordering Soldiers to Attack Peaceful Protesters So He Can Do a Photo Op is Pathetic

Google Account          The wretched and ignorant former governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, has praised President Trump for his “courage” in supposedly “braving” protesters in the nation’s capital to walk across Lafayette Park from the White House and stand, Bible in hand, in front of a small chapel.        The …

Fat-cat Republicans in Congress want to make workers go back to their shit-paying jobs

Unemployment Stimulus Bill Exposes Obscenity of America’s Low Minimum Wage

(This article initially ran in Tarbell.org, the investigative news site, under a joint publishing arrangement with ThisCantBeHappening.)   With COVID-19 still raging after having killed over 100,000 Americans, making it one of the worst epidemics since the 1918 Spanish flu, and with a staggering 41 million workers, 27% of the labor force, out of a …

Redistribution by another name:

Nationwide Looting and Arson as Urban Poor Lose Fear and Pent-Up Rage at Cops and the System Explodes

Across the US, cities, especially fancy malls and outlets of major retail chains, are being busted into and ransacked, as police squad cars get flipped over and torched, in scenes not seen in the US since the mid to late 1960s. Many of the perpetrators of these actions are black residents of these cities, but …

Enough with docile permit-granted park protests!

Eruptions of Rage in Minneapolis and across the US over the Cop Murder of George Floyd are Uprisings, Not Riots

  America’s cities are burning again. In Minneapolis, after an unarmed and unresisting George Floyd, 46 and black, was killed by a white cop after being arrested for the non-violent alleged crime of trying to pass a fake $20 bill, protests immediately erupted. Minneapolis cops, with a reputation for violence, responded to the initial protest …