The world's been going to s**t for too long

Enough with the Brinkmanship! Let’s Give Peace a F**king Chance

  President Joe Biden and his military and state department at a minimum had to have known that Israel’s Mossad was going to sabotage Iran’s Natanz nuclear processing site on April 11. If they hadn’t been warned in advance of that attack, and at least tacitly approved it, they would have publicly protested it.  Clearly …

Victory for capitalism and US domination:

Right-Winger Wins Surprise Presidential Victory in Ecuador Run-off

Guillermo Lasso, presidente electo del Ecuador; Andrés Arauz acepta su derrota y felicita a su contrincante | Política | Noticias | El Universo Guillermos Lasso (c) won the Ecuadorian presidential election.  Surprisingly, Guillermo Lasso, former banker and Coca Cola Ecuadorian director, won the run-off election over socialistic candidate Andres Arauz, 52.5% to 47.5%. Guillermo Lasso …

Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore

Between Q’s Headspace and the Hard Place of US History

Everything has meaning. This is not a game. Learn to play the game. [ Q Drop # 885, March 8, 2018 ] In the early nineties, I was writing a novel about a young US military photographer in Honduras during the Contra War. I wanted one of the characters to be a science fiction reader. …

Poor Central Americans are not the problem

The Real Immigration Scandal

The far-right is focused hard on making a scandal of the current rush of refugees from Central America north through Mexico to our Southwestern border. It’s as if the refugee crisis on the border is a new Democratic Party scandal, instead of a festering hemispheric crisis-point that has been exacerbated but never seriously addressed.  This …

Sputnik V Still Not Accepted in Most of the West

AstraZeneca Vaccine Suspension Extended in Denmark and Norway

Denmark’s health agencies have extended the initial two-week suspension of using AstraZeneca (AZ) Covid-19 vaccine. At its March 25 news conference, Danish Medicines Agency spokesperson Tanja Erichsen said it was necessary to continue evaluating a possible connection between the vaccine and several dozens of vaccinated persons who developed blood clots with some deaths. “It can’t …


Krasner’s stance on Mumia won’t cost him re-election, but it will stain his reputation as a reformer

By Linn Washington, Jr. and Dave Lindorff Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner deserves credit for ending the wrongful incarcerations of nearly 20 people. Krasner did what many of his predecessors did not: fulfill the legal and ethical duty of a district attorney to seek justice. Those wrongful convictions, which resulted largely from misconduct by police and …

We must be more than prophets, Part2: Ed McCurdy’s vision — A prose poem

Last night I had the strangest dream. It wasn’t the strangest dream I ever dreamed before But it was strange for me: I was in a large room with three friends On the second floor of an old building Facing main street. I and my friends were using it as an ad hoc gym. The …

Killers on the loose!

Biden’s and America’s Mental Illness is on Full Display

  It was just three weeks ago that our new “transformative” President Joe Biden joined that long almost unbroken list of war criminal presidents stretching back to #!, George Washington. Biden joined this disgraceful list by ordering a bloody aerial bombardment by US warplanes in eastern Syria. The US bombs, which were reportedly dropped on …

Dreadful knocking — a sonnet followed by a reflection on what is meant by “dharma”

Some like to test the acuity of their brain To see if they are losing any powers of cognition, But I have watched more than just cognition wane From coast to coast across this fogged-in nation. It used to be smog that made it hard to breathe But now it’s something else that steals my …