On the evening of September 10, 2001, New York Police Officer Adam Hernandez was on patrol in his Greenwich Village precinct when he saw a man smashing car windows with a hammer. It was a random act of violence by an apparently mentally unstable person. Officer Hernandez went …
Humbled US Leaves Chaos and Mass Murder While Fleeing Afghanistan
America’s last days in Afghanistan offered a sickening display of all that was wrong with the $2.3-trillion, 20-year failed attempt by a blundering, self-congratulatory but decaying empire to have its way in a place it neither really cared about at all, nor understood in the least. First there was a catastrophic but predictable attack …
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Boots on the ground
My boots are on the porch. They are not on the ground. I keep them on the porch When I am not in them. And I’m not in them. They are not working now, They are dreaming up an army Of boots on the ground Making gardens. Just hand me A moonbeam so I …
Why Did the Afghan Army Fold So Fast? Because They had Nothing to Fight For
American pundits, politicians and Pentagon apologists are all casting about trying to find the reason why the Afghanistan military, supposedly 300,000 trained people in uniform and supplied with over $83 billion in US weaponry including ground attack planes and helicopters, folded like an old deck of used cards in two weeks’ time confronted by …
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Biden Could Have Spared Afghanistan and US 6 Months of Pointless War by Just Ending It
There are two things I suppose everyone would agree are true about the remarkable events of the past several weeks in Afghanistan. One is that we are witnessing the latest major loss in a string of wars and “incursions” that the US has lost since the end of World War II. The other is …
Bomber Biden Sends in B-52 Bombers in a Tantrum over Taliban Advance
In what can only be called a criminal and murderous tantrum by a loser, the United States, on the order of President Joe Biden, has begun dispatching B-52 Stratofortress bombers and AC-130 fixed-wing gunships equipped with large Gatling machine guns and a cannon to carpet-bomb and perpetrate mass killing on Taliban forces surging to …
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After 20 Years and over $2.26 Trillion, the US Has Lost Its Longest War in Afghanistan
Another lost war! Another denial! The US actually began its war on the people of Afghanistan back during the presidency of Jimmy Carter, who foolishly followed the advice of his Russia-hating, rabidly anti-Communist Polish emigre National Security Director Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski, in mid-1979, successfully convinced the gullible Carter to launch Operation Cyclone, a $20-billion, 10-year …
Time to Stop Modernizing America’s Nukes and to Start Negotiating Peace
(This article was originally written for and published by ‘The Edge,’ a magazine published by the Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College_ The Biden administration, in its proposed military budget, is calling for a restart of something the US arms industry has not produced in any significant quantity since 1992: nuclear “pits” …
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Are Big Donors Neutralizing Peace Movement Activism?
This article by Dave Lindorff and appearing in Salon magazine, was researched and written with the assistance of a grant from the ExposeFacts program of the Institute for Public Accuracy During the four years of the Trump administration, resistance and even revolutionary talk were in the air as organizations with names like The Resistance and Our …
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Biden Shows True Colors Proposing Bigger War Department Budget than Trump
President Joe Biden has shown his true colors, as this nation mis-celebrates Memorial Day Weekend by guzzling beer and other alcoholic drinks, racking up a typically epic death toll on the highways, and risking a new upsurge in the Coronavirus pandemic partying without masks, marking the date himself by proposing a record new military budget. …
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