America Shares the blame for Israel’s war crimes

US-Supplied Planes and Bombs are Slaughtering Palestinian Children in Gaza

  When you’re watching those horrific images of massive explosions taking down high-rise apartment buildings in Gaza, and reading the statistics of dead in Gaza (195 dead, nearly half of them women and including over 40 children as young as six-months of age), remember that while it’s Israel bombing these buildings and killing these women, …

The world's been going to s**t for too long

Enough with the Brinkmanship! Let’s Give Peace a F**king Chance

  President Joe Biden and his military and state department at a minimum had to have known that Israel’s Mossad was going to sabotage Iran’s Natanz nuclear processing site on April 11. If they hadn’t been warned in advance of that attack, and at least tacitly approved it, they would have publicly protested it.  Clearly …

Killers on the loose!

Biden’s and America’s Mental Illness is on Full Display

  It was just three weeks ago that our new “transformative” President Joe Biden joined that long almost unbroken list of war criminal presidents stretching back to #!, George Washington. Biden joined this disgraceful list by ordering a bloody aerial bombardment by US warplanes in eastern Syria. The US bombs, which were reportedly dropped on …

The biggest threat to US security is here at home:

Let’s Stop Pretending Russia and China are Military Threats

  Someone needs to say this, and it looks like it’s gotta be me: China and Russia are not our enemies. Somehow, the opinion-makers in the media, the bloated military brass with all their ribbons and stars and with little to do but worry about how to keep their massively overbuilt operation afloat with ever …

Joe Biden goes to war:

It Didn’t Take Long for This New President to Play Commander in Chief

  Well, here we are just over a month into the new Joe Biden presidential administration and he’s already launched a bombing attack in Syria. That seems to be a required action for presidents these days, certainly dating back at least to the Barack Obama administration. Biden personally ordered the bombing of a border crossing …

Almost every income tax dollar goes straight to the military:

Spending and Sleepwalking Our Way to Armageddon

  As of January 1 of this year, under the UN Charter, nuclear weapons have been declared illegal — both their possession and their use — putting them in the same status as chemical and biological weapons, but because none of the 86 signatory nations have nukes, and because all of the nine nations that …

Who's the US to demand that Russia free anyone?

Back to Cold War 2.0 with Biden and His ‘Diplomacy-Favoring’ Secretary of State Blinken

  A fawning liberal media and a passel of well-endowed ‘peace’ organizations like Plowshares and Council for a Livable World and self-described “progressive” organizations like MoveOn have been hailing Biden’s cabinet picks, many of them veterans of the Obama administration, claiming they will steer the US in a new direction under which diplomacy, not bluster …

What a difference a half century makes (not!)...

Hundreds of 2021 ‘Insurrectionists’ may Get Off while 700 Peaceful Pentagon Protesters got Arrested and Jailed in 1967

  As I wrote in a letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer published today under the headline:  ‘Punish All Rioters”: An article in the Sunday Inquirer said that federal prosecutors are discussing not prosecuting all who participated in the fatal U.S. Capitol insurrectional assault on Jan. 6. The reason: Fears of “overloading” the courts.     …

Pence calling the shots when it comes to the Pentagon:

Has Trump Already been Removed as Commander in Chief?

  Little noticed during yesterday’s bizarre storming of the Capitol building by armed and violent Trump-incited American “brownshirts,” was the fact that National Guard troops, called for by Washington’s mayor, but not authorized by President Trump, were finally authorized by Vice President Pence.  The significance of this chain of authority cannot be understated, as the Trump presidency begins …

US prison system seen as a death threat:

UK Judge Rejects US Extradition Request for Wikileaks’ Julian Assange

  It is certainly a great relief that the district court judge in London considering the US government’s extradition request for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who is facing espionage and other lesser counts in the United States for his organization’s expose of US war crimes and other embarrassing misconduct, has been denied. Throughout the hearing …