The latest police murder — and that’s what it was whatever the circumstances — of 16-old foster child Ma’Khia Bryant by a Columbus, Ohio cop, is sickening to watch. No way did that officer, Nicholas Reardon, have to kill that young teenage girl. Maybe she had a knife, and maybe she was even planning …
Students Bashed In Battle Over Abu-Jamal’s Healthcare
A poignant plea from a group of pupils at a Philadelphia charter school sent recently to Philadelphia’s top prosecutor — that sought release of an inmate widely considered as falsely incarcerated — prompted a barrage of vile threats against those students and one of their teachers from opponents of that inmate. Ironically, that menacing triggered …
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Enough with the Brinkmanship! Let’s Give Peace a F**king Chance
President Joe Biden and his military and state department at a minimum had to have known that Israel’s Mossad was going to sabotage Iran’s Natanz nuclear processing site on April 11. If they hadn’t been warned in advance of that attack, and at least tacitly approved it, they would have publicly protested it. Clearly …
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Between Q’s Headspace and the Hard Place of US History
Everything has meaning. This is not a game. Learn to play the game. [ Q Drop # 885, March 8, 2018 ] In the early nineties, I was writing a novel about a young US military photographer in Honduras during the Contra War. I wanted one of the characters to be a science fiction reader. …
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The Real Immigration Scandal
The far-right is focused hard on making a scandal of the current rush of refugees from Central America north through Mexico to our Southwestern border. It’s as if the refugee crisis on the border is a new Democratic Party scandal, instead of a festering hemispheric crisis-point that has been exacerbated but never seriously addressed. This …
We must be more than prophets, Part2: Ed McCurdy’s vision — A prose poem
Last night I had the strangest dream. It wasn’t the strangest dream I ever dreamed before But it was strange for me: I was in a large room with three friends On the second floor of an old building Facing main street. I and my friends were using it as an ad hoc gym. The …
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Biden’s and America’s Mental Illness is on Full Display
It was just three weeks ago that our new “transformative” President Joe Biden joined that long almost unbroken list of war criminal presidents stretching back to #!, George Washington. Biden joined this disgraceful list by ordering a bloody aerial bombardment by US warplanes in eastern Syria. The US bombs, which were reportedly dropped on …
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Dreadful knocking — a sonnet followed by a reflection on what is meant by “dharma”
Some like to test the acuity of their brain To see if they are losing any powers of cognition, But I have watched more than just cognition wane From coast to coast across this fogged-in nation. It used to be smog that made it hard to breathe But now it’s something else that steals my …
Racism in British News Media – The Missing Story
On Saturday October 29, 2011 over 500 people from across England protested near the Parliament building in London. What was startling for me, an American journalist covering that protest against brutality by British police, was not who attended but who was absent. That 2011 protest occurred a dozen weeks after a fatal police shooting of …
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The Thunberg Look — a sonnet
The way she looked at Trump that day When at the Summit him she spied, Would have made an eagle drop its prey Or any kind of predator turn aside. The portly ass could not have known That she was waiting for him, all eyes, To dissect him to the marrow bone, His ignorance of …