
He committed murder.
He burned down a house.
He didn’t know what he was doing.
Let him go.

We can’t wake him up.

The sleepwalker is bulding a big bomb
To blow up a church.
In his sleep now
He is weaponizing his unconscious hatred.

The defense: He doesn’t know what he’s doing.
Judgment: Let him go.

Now the sleepwalker
Votes in a racist.
Abuses women.
Embraces violence like a lover.

In a rare lucid moment
He pleads innocent:

I didn’t know what I was doing.

The sleepwalker
Asks the judge,
Can I go now?
I didn’t know.
I didn’t know anything.

Judge: Let him go.

Prosecution: Let there be nuclear war.
Let there be the end of things.
Let the sea rise.
Let the homeless wander the earth.

The sleepwalker walks out.
He walks down the middle of the street.
Cars swerve around him.
He is innocent.

Leave him be.

Gary Lindorff