Half-century of hard-fought freedoms on the line:

High Court’s Roe v Wade Ruling Attacks Full Humanity of US Women, But it Won’t Stop There

  The 6-3 ruling last week by the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade is both the culmination of a decades-long strategy by the Republican Party and the religious right to which it long ago tied its fortunes, and the beginning of a long war by progressives to wrest back control of the Democratic Party …

Little Crime, Murder, Violence—But Both are Increasing

Could Icelanders Herald Path to Economic Equality with Prosperity and Peace?

  (Part II of CAM Correspondent Ron Ridenour’s Perspective on Near-Pristine Island-Nation — Part 1 here in Covert Action magazine) By Ron Ridenour We can learn from the Icelandic people’s sense of assuming political responsibility, their tightknit togetherness—98% know people they can rely on—and from their culture, which fosters more authors per capita than any …

$17 billion could buy a lot of food aid:

What’s in the Massive US Military Aid Package to Ukraine?

This article was written for The Edge, a publication of the Ithaca College Park Center for Independent Media The first point that needs to be made in addressing the colossal $40 billion Ukraine arms aid package passed by Congress and rushed by plane to Asia for President Joe Biden’s signature is that it’s not all …

'Fearing for their lives' is not what cops are paid to do:

‘Brave’ SWAT Squad Races to School, Then Waits 40 Minutes as Parents Demand Action

  In  the  Robb Elementary School mass shooting of 19 children in Uvalde, Texas, we had on display the true nature of SWAT units,  those  Special Weapons and Tactics cops trained to take on the most dangerous of criminals and terrorists, but who are always thinking first of their own safety. The SWAT squad got …

Putin’s threat to turn to nuclear weapons is nothing new:

The US Nuked Two Cities in WWII and Has Threatened to Use Them Often Since Then

  During this war in Ukraine, much had been written about how Russia and President Vladimir Putin have “broken the nuclear taboo” or “could break the nuclear taboo” by threatening or actually using “small” tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.  The threats have indeed been made, and they could potentially be more than bluffs.   But …

Two realities

Bodies were lying for weeks in the streets. We couldn’t bury dead people. We tried not to watch them. It was more important to save our minds. Burying the dead equalled being killed. The shelling was non-stop. We all stayed in the basement. We cooked food on a fire. We lived off what we could …

'We want to see Russia weakened':

War Secretary Austin Comes Clean: US Wants a Long War in Ukraine, Not a Quick Peace

  We’ve moved into crazy town, with President Biden, who cannot get Congress or even his own Democratic Congressional caucus to back continued aid to families with children through the expanded child tax credit, now asking Congress to provide another $20 billion in military aid to Ukraine (part of a $33-(billion aid package to the …