Here's what happens when you cancel a treaty that's working

The Insanity of a New Hypersonic Nuclear Cruise Missile Arms Race

The Bush, Obama and Trump administration have broken two very important promises, or treaties, with Russia and it’s going to be very costly and dangerous for us and for the world thanks to them. The first broken promise was the decision by President George W. Bush to ignore the documented promise made by President Reagan …

Building a movement

Social Security is the Key to Progressive Change in America

Probably the most important single legacy of what happened in the period of the Great Depression and the New Deal was the establishment of Social Security, the federal program that today pays benefits to 63 million US elderly, disabled adults and dependent children left by a deceased bread-winner. That’s one-in-six of all people in this …

Sucking up to Boss Bezos

Columnist Thiessen, in Calling AOC ‘Economically Illiterate,’ Displays Instead His Own Economic Ignorance

Listening to President Trump, you’d think the socialist barbarians were at the gates of America preparing to overrun the US with a Soviet-style state-run economy where every car would be the same make and color, everyone would be wearing Mao suits and freedom and social mobility, those great mythical assets that we supposedly have in …

Appeal of order for PA Supreme Court rehearing should be dropped

6700-Name Petition Delivered to Philly DA Krasner Calling for Fair Appeal for Mumia

The organization Roots Action has delivered a petition signed by 6700 people from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, across the country and around the world,  to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, demanding that Mumia Abu-Jamal be allowed to re-argue his original appeal of his conviction to the state’s highest court. The petition, which can still have names added, …

Bernie’s back, but is he all in this time?

Could Sanders 2.0 Win It All, Getting the Democratic Nomination and Defeating Trump?

Listening to Sen. Bernie Sanders’ videoed announcement of his candidacy for the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination, I was struck by how much has changed since 2016, and how little. Sanders, recall, ran a spirited primary campaign against Hillary Clinton, a campaign that was undermined by crooked dealing, dirty tricks and sabotage by the Hillary …

Criminal insanity in Washington is bipartisan

Washington’s Stealthy Move Towards a Potential First Strike Against Russia and China

There is a lot of talk lately in the liberal media about how President Trump and his Neocon advisors John Bolton (National Security Advisor) and Mike Pompeo (Secretary of State) along with his acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan, are moving the country and the world dangerously closer to a catastrophic global nuclear war with the …