Where was the Senate during the Standing Rock resistance in 2016?

Sanctimonious US Senators Condemn Hong Kong Police Ignoring Far More Brutal US Cops

The Senate, by a voice vote with no opposition yesterday passed a bill condemning the Hong Kong government and Hong Kong police for their brutal treatment of students in the supposedly autonomous Chinese city protesting threats to Hong Kong’s freedoms and it’s promise from China of self rule until 2047. The bill, if signed into …

Morales made unforced errors as president:

Bolivia’s Foreseeable Coup

  Did a coup d´état take place in Bolivia with the removal of President Evo Morales? Certainly, an internal coup was a major cause, along with a rebellion calling for Morales’ resignation. When the commander of the armed forces, backed by many generals, publically calls for the president to abdicate, that is an internal coup. …

Revolution on a short leash:

Student Protesters are Walking a Tightrope in Hong Kong

It’s hard to know what to think about the student protests in Hong Kong. On the one hand they are incredibly inspiring. The courage, determination, brilliant organizing in the face of corporate blocking of the social media platforms that have been so critical early on to coordinating actions and rallying support, and the links that …

Expect to find the black hand of the CIA behind Morales’ ouster:

When an Elected Government Falls in South America, as in Bolivia Today, Look For a US Role

When it comes to politics in Latin America, what initially seems clear is usually anything but. And when that some complicated political event happens and is reported about in the US, the last place to look for clarity is the US media, which almost universally parrots the Washington line — an imperialist one that takes …

Joker Kills 'em at the Box Office

Drones, Guns and Abject Heroes In America

A couple Saturdays ago I attended the monthly protest near the drone base located on what used to be the Willow Grove Naval Air Station in Horsham, PA, outside Philadelphia. The vigil has been going on monthly for a number of years, peopled by some of the most spiritual, peace-loving people I know. I’d say …

Bernie Sanders is the candidate who will make sure you don't get stiffed out of Social Security:

You Will Have Social Security Just like Your Parents and Grandparents — If You Fight to Keep It!

  I was explaining to my 26-year-old son recently that while I’m continuing to work as a writer, because I waited until age 70 to begin collecting my Social Security benefits, I am now collecting almost $29,000 a year on top of what I earn doing my freelance journalism thing. He said, matter-of-factly, “Well, I …