NJ Officials Insult Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 1,771 Ways

Ask 100 New Jersey residents who is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and more than 90 will quickly reply, a civil rights leader. Ask 100 New Jersey resident who is Peter McGuire and more than 90 will quickly reply, Peter who? King and McGuire both made historic accomplishments. Both the Atlanta born King and the …

New TCBH! poem:

Woodland camo in space

leave this alone the Space Force is America’s final last ditch macho-nationalistic-bi-polar- obsessive-compulsive-masturbatory adolescent-neo-nazi-extravaganza after the kickoff and the playoff after the last truck commercial after the hard-sell and the hardball the holographic performers scintillating uberstrange powers of beauty and charisma to manufacture waves of awe zing back into the projectors and the stage folds …

Warren, with CNN help, plays wronged-woman card against Sanders:

Could We Be Witnessing the Demise of Identity Politics?

  In the current race for the Democratic presidential nomination, there have been two prevailing narratives.  One is the battle between the so-called “moderates” (actually neoliberals) vs. “progressives,” in which candidates like Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang and, at least until recently, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, are pitted against “lefty” Bernie Sanders …

The Earth just moved, but it wasn't the Taal volcano:

The Equal Rights Amendment Just Got the Support of the Needed 38th State!

  Here’s a big deal that’s bound to become a lot bigger this year. Exactly 100 years after women finally won the vote with ratification of a 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, the state legislature of Virginia on January 15 finally became the needed 38th state of the Union to ratify the proposed Equal …

Here they come -- MSM attacks on a surging Sanders:

CNN’s Sanders Hit Piece Doesn’t Pass the Smell Test

  CNN (1/13/20) has an anonymously sourced hit piece out today on Bernie Sanders, claiming that at a meeting in Elizabeth Warren’s home on December 18, 2018, he told her “a woman can’t win” the presidency. The article, by CNN correspondent MJ Lee, is so journalistically shoddy that someone reading only the first few paragraphs would end up believing …

Rogue president, rogue nation:

Trump Tells Iraq Order US Troops Out and I’ll Freeze Your Central Bank’s Account at the Fed

  President Trump’s actions in the Middle East are becoming increasingly unhinged. A week ago, he nearly triggered a catastrophic war between Iran and the US when, acting seemingly on a whim or in response to the advice of two of his nuttier advisors, fundamentalist Christian “Rapture” believers Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo, he ordered …

The reality we must face:

Our Country, the United States, is a Rogue Nation and Our Leaders are Criminals

  For as long as I’ve been alive, my country has been a rogue state. Actually, the US became a rogue state four years before my birth in 1949 when, in 1945, Washington decided to bomb two militarily insignificant cities in Japan with its new super weapon, the atomic bomb, instantly incinerating several hundred thousand …

Dave LIndorff's letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer on the Eagle's wipe out in the first playoff of the post-season

Eagles Should’ve Hired Kaep

  Philadelphia — It was always a long shot that the Eagles would make the NFL playoffs and then be competitive in the postseason with QB Carson Wentz as their standard-bearer. It was too much to put on one already damaged star. Wentz did great through the season, but he was always one bad tackle …

US jingoism promotes mindless support for war with Iran:

It’s Our Own Leader, Donald Trump, Who Is ‘Blood-Thirsty’ and ‘Blood-Soaked’

  This is not an article intended to praise Qassem Suleimani, the Commander of Iran’s military who was whacked by President Trump with several Hellfire Missiles fired from a US drone at his vehicle outside the Baghdad Airport. What I do decry, however, is the almost universal characterization of Suleimani as “the baddest of the …