The campaign is on to keep Sanders from getting the nomination:

The Iowa Caucus is Corrupt and the Whole Process Stinks to Hell

  We shouldn’t be surprised that the Iowa Caucus has blown up into a fiasco. It is a primary that was designed to give a result the ruling duopoly parties each want, and Sanders, according to the polls, has been screwing it up for the Democrats by looking increasingly likely to win the nomination. Let …

Flags, Male Aggression and Pole Dancing

Freud Goes to the Super Bowl

It would be hard to find a more obnoxious display of American corporatism and imperialism than this year’s super bowl. The whooshing super-hero graphics, the flag-waving, the pre-hyped $11-million-a-minute ads and a succulent J-Lo pole-dancing at halftime. If I hadn’t decided to write about it as decadent spectacle, I’d have turned it off and read …

Past inspires present wrongly

The GOP’s Lynch Mob Stance On Impeachment

Donald Trump’s repugnant comparison last fall of the then Congressional impeachment inquiry to a “lynching” sparked wide rebuke of this President whose racial insensitivities frequently flare into outright racism. The legal impeachment process laid out in the U.S. Constitution stands in sharp contrast to the illegal mob murders of lynching, the gruesome violence that snuffed …

A 70-year old Baby Boomer has some advice for his elders:

Wake Up You Older Biden Backers! He’s Going After Your (and Your Grandkids’) Social Security

  Over the last few months I have written a couple of pieces, one aimed at Baby Boomers (my demographic cohort, as I’m 70), and one aimed at the Millennials (a group which includes both my kids, aged 26 and 35).  Now I want to talk to those of you who are older than even myself — let’s call …

'Take her out' and 'get rid of her' mean more than just firing in Kiev and DC

Trump Talks Like Mafia Don on Tape Calling for Removal of Ukraine Ambassador

  The US media are being way too protective of President Donald Trump in reporting on his Ukraine scandal. The Don(ald) grew up in New York City and is known to have had his share of dealings with mobsters there in the course of his scandal-plagued real estate career, thanks to well-documented Mafia control over …

Democrats Need Backbone on Militarism to Win in 2020

Iran Is NOT Responsible For US Dead in Iraq

Who exactly is responsible for US casualties in Iraq during the Iraq War? The question has been raised thanks to President Trump’s decision to assassinate Iranian General Gasem Soleimani. On January 13, the New York Times published a front-page story about a lawsuit filed against Iran in federal court by US veterans and veteran families; …

What happens when people no longer want our money?

Papering the World with Benjamins

  By Allen Baker Benjamin Franklin was a prolific inventor and a brilliant thinker. But even he would be amazed at the vast profits that arise simply from printing his portrait on the U.S. hundred-dollar bill. Here’s how it works: Each year, the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing rolls out roughly a billion crisp …

Policies don’t matter to The Times, just a candidate’s sex:

NY’s ‘Gray Lady’ Tries to Undermine Sanders, Endorsing Both Democratic Women Presidential Candidates

  By Laurie Dobson Too bad Kamala Harris couldn’t make a go of her Presidential campaign, or the NYT would have gone triple threat, and made it a three-women gang-up against Bernie in their endorsement. Maybe it’s not too late? In fact, as it is thanks to the NYT, it is now a three-legged race. …