The Truth Will Set Us Free

Inaccurate Public History Is the Issue, Not Statues

The conquerors of America glorified the devastation they wrought in visions of righteousness, and their descendants have been reluctant to peer through the aura. – Francis Jennings, The Invasion of America: Indians, Colonialism, and the Cant of Conquest. During the summer of 2020, an angry mob tore down a public bust of Ulysses Grant in …

Cops are using everything from rubber bullets to grenades

Interactive Map Shows Police Using Violence Against Peaceful Protesters in 125 Cities and 40 States

It hasn’t been a great couple of weeks for the supposed “Land of the Free” these days, though a lot of brave protesters across the country have continued to stand up to a lot of cowardly militarized police and American soldiers who have been using weaponized military helicopters, M-16 automatic assault rifles and other military …

Denmark, the US’s 51st state

Social Democrat Government Dares Not Criticize USA

  (Author Note: This article is second in series on Denmark relations with USA. No. 1  Reporters and camera crews covering the uprising against racism and police brutality are being attacked by police, mainly, in unprecedented numbers in the US. Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF), a non-governmental organization, which seeks to defend free press …

Toxic stew: prejudice & politics

Reagan, Trump And The Rancid Use Of Racism For Political Gain

A presidential candidate, nakedly pandering prejudice to win votes, holds a pivotal campaign rally in a locale infamous for a bloody incident of white racist violence. Sounds like President Donald J. Trump’s decision to schedule a campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the site of one of the worst incidents of mass racist violence in American …

Epidemic Epistle IX: A COVID-19 crisis diary by TCBH! members

Put to the (COVID-19) Test by the National Guard in Pennsylvania

  My wife Joyce and I visited the front in the war zone yesterday. I’m talking about the “war” on the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. We registered for COVID-19 testing on Tuesday when Joyce, usually highly energetic,  started feeling physically drained for no reason and began running a low-grade elevated temperature of 98.9 all day. We …

Confessions of a White Privileged Radical

Walking the ‘Hood With the Bats

In a time when Americans are inundated by messages of “support the troops,” and “honor our veterans,” and simultaneously veterans continue to commit suicide at alarming rates, go homeless and hungry, face battles with addiction, and isolate themselves, it certainly feels as if more effort can be made to think of and offer innovative programs …

Denmark, the US’s 51st state

Europeans Join US Americans’ Uprising

This war image has caused the fire to spread throughout much of the world.   (Author note: This article begins a series on Denmark’s anti-sovereignty foreign policy support for US imperial wars, as well as Danes solidarity with anti-racist, anti-police brutality resistance in the US and at home.) “Just as our neighbors to the South …

Who needs rubber bullets, bayonets, rocket launchers, MRAP vehicles and surveillance drones in the US?

Military Equipment Provided Free to Local Police Departments Bring US Wars Home to American Cities and Communities

Transcript of RT-TV interview of Dave Lindorff by RT’s Caleb Maupin: Maupin:  Why does the Department of Defense have so much excess gear that it needs to unload, anyway? Lindorff:  The US has been involved in so many wars, they become occupations, and the military has developed techniques for operating as an occupying army, and …