Go for it Republicans!

A Red State Secession Movement from the US of A is a Great Idea!

  ‘And here’s to the state of Mississippi Where underneath their border the devil draws no line If you drag their muddy rivers nameless bodies you will find The calendar is lying when it reads the present time. Oh, here’s to the land you tore out the heart of Mississippi find yourself another country to …

Danish Journalists Could Be Imprisoned in US for Whistleblower Revelations

Outposts of the US Surveillance Empire: Denmark and Beyond

Danish Defense Intelligence Service property collects massive data for the NSA. Sandagergaard, Amager Island, close to Copenhagen. [Source: computerworld.dk] Data acquired by the NSA has been used to convince the Danish government to buy fighter jets from Lockheed-Martin. Denmark’s military allows the United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) to spy on the nation’s Finance Ministry, …

Supreme corruption in Pennsylvania

Watching Injustice Fester For 341,880 Hours

The murder of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner is a crime I’ve reported on, researched and monitored since its occurrence in the pre-dawn hours of Wednesday December 9, 1981. Thirty-seven years after Faulkner’s murder, in December 2018, Philadelphia prosecutors stumbled across six boxes stashed in a forgotten area in their office complex that contained startling …

Drop Charges Against Assange, Snowden

Trump Could Stick it to Deep State & Obama, Clinton, Biden

Trump Imprisoned Assange. He can undo that. (TheDuran.com) Any semblance of rationality during the past dozen years in the United States Military Empire (USME)  regarding what the Republican and Democratic parties really stand for and against is hard to find–other than agreement on never-ending escalating profits from, among other areas, war weaponry. Political science courses …

Withdraw? You can’t do that!

For the US in Afghanistan’s Endless War, Surrender is Apparently Not an Option

The US War in —or on—Afghanistan has rightly been called the “Forever War.” Launched on October 7, 2001, while the ruins of the World Trade Center were still smoldering from the 9/11 attacks five weeks earlier, the war is now in its 19th year, making it almost nine years longer than the Vietnam War. And …

Avoiding Trump/Netanyahu's Patriotic War Trap

Joe Biden and the American Shame of War

Sadly, my generation had to relearn the lessons of Vietnam in Iraq and Afghanistan. But in coming to terms with our defeat, we have a chance to ensure that we do not sacrifice future generations to such folly.       – Timothy Kudo, Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, from a NY Times op-ed I’m sure President-Elect Joe …

Clueless autocrat amid a raging pandemic? It’s nothing new:

Author of New Book on US Quarantine History Tells What Biden Must Do

As the US confronts both a political crisis of presidential succession and a worsening pandemic, it might be instructive, though perhaps not comforting, to learn that we’ve been here before.  In the period between the 1773 Boston Tea Party up through the start of the American Revolution with the battles of Lexington and Concord and …

This is Not Our First Perilous Post-Election

Is Joe Biden Already Biting the Hand That Got Him Elected?

It gets deeper and deeper by the day, with less than 60 days to go. If, like me, you see the Trump Presidency as a live reality show — or maybe a post-postmodern autofiction novel narrated by Norman Mailer’s ghost — you’re turning pages like mad anticipating the final scene. Will he leave? Will elements …

'They should be beheaded!'

Trump and Giuliani Go Full IS in attack on Biden and Democrats

  It’s often been noted that countries that go to war tend to adopt the behaviors of their enemies in fighting them, and then bring that war and the techniques they have appropriated home where they begin to apply them domestically. For at least two decades, since the US in 2001 launched its so-called “War” …