Building more atomic bomb triggers is the ‘pits’:

Time to Stop Modernizing America’s Nukes and to Start Negotiating Peace

(This article was originally written for and published by ‘The Edge,’ a magazine published by the Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College_   The Biden administration, in its proposed military budget, is calling for a restart of something the US arms industry has not produced in any significant quantity since 1992: nuclear “pits” …

Wall Street/Pentagon/CIA Will Be Watching:

Socialist Pedro Castillo is Peru’s New President (Update: despite right-wing denial)

  Free Peru presidential candidate. Pedro Castillo dio un mitin en el distrito de Socota, en Cajamarca antes de viajar a Cutervo. Foto: Aldair Mejia/La República. (UPDATE, June 17) On the tenth day of counting 18,856,616 ballots, teacher-unionist-socialist Pedro Castillo, 51, Free Peru party candidate, has won the presidential election by 44,058 votes. He had …

Retaliation wrapped as vindication

‘Karen’ Goes To Court: Amy Cooper’s Bird Brain Lawsuit

She’s at it again! Amy Cooper – the now infamous ‘Central Park Karen’ – is raging again. This time Cooper is raging in a lawsuit against her former employer who fired Cooper after that May 25, 2020 incident in New York City’s Central Park. An enraged Cooper called police and falsely accused a Black man …

Denmark's Neighboring Leaders Break Silence:

EXPOSED: Denmark Banana Kingdom Unclothed in Bed with US Spy Agency

  (The illustration is a metaphor for a Danish secret military investigation into what the National Security Agency was sucking out of Denmark’s spy network. See footnote Operation Dunhammer. [i]) Latest revelations concerning Denmark’s systematic spying upon its closest neighbor leaders—Germany, France, Norway and Sweden—since 2013 were broadcast and published online recently by the public …

Peace-washing the anti-war movement and limiting criticism of Biden and Dems

Are Big Donors Neutralizing Peace Movement Activism?

  This article by Dave Lindorff and appearing in Salon magazine, was researched and written with the assistance of a grant from the ExposeFacts program of the Institute for Public Accuracy   During the four years of the Trump administration, resistance and even revolutionary talk were in the air as organizations with names like The Resistance and Our …

Persistent breaks for bigots

Lynching Lynchpin Links Racist Impunity From Tulsa To MOVE

Buried inside an embarrassing scandal now broiling Philadelphia, Pa are legacies from America’s despicable era of lynching. The spark for the scandal in Philadelphia is revelations about morbid mistreatment of human remains of Black victims from the horrific 1985 police bombing and burning in Philadelphia of the back-to-nature group MOVE. During the lynching era, many …

With 'forever' wars over on 9/11, time to SLASH Pentagon spending!

Biden Shows True Colors Proposing Bigger War Department Budget than Trump

President Joe Biden has shown his true colors, as this nation mis-celebrates Memorial Day Weekend by guzzling beer and other alcoholic drinks, racking up  a typically epic death toll on the highways, and risking a new upsurge in the Coronavirus pandemic partying without masks,  marking the date himself by proposing a record new military budget. …


I grow asparagus While remote Arctic bases Sprout in the far north The conning towers Of submarines break through The ice like black plants They say We don’t want War but we will defend our (fill in the blank) Keep your eye on them Keep your eye on yourself too Cross yourself We are In …

Lucky once, we can't count on luck again:

Biden Okays Program to Annually Build 80 Plutonium ‘Pit’ H-Bomb Triggers

  It’s hard to believe I’m writing this, but the Biden administration, while unwinding or reversing a good many rules, regulations and programs of the Trump administration, is forging ahead with one particularly outrageous one: the ramping up of production of so-called plutonium “pits.” These cores of the man-made radioactive element plutonium, each weighing a …