The flowers in the bowl (a Covid poem)followed by a reflection on the writing of this poem

The flowers are in the bowl Because they caught on the mower I felt bad for them And placed them in the bowl In a little water This world is going to hell He said I know listen read this Don’t go to hell I said Too late he said After I read what he …

Lessons go unlearned again:

Why Did the Afghan Army Fold So Fast? Because They had Nothing to Fight For

  American pundits, politicians and Pentagon apologists are all casting about trying to find the reason why the Afghanistan military, supposedly 300,000 trained people in uniform and supplied with over $83 billion in US weaponry including ground attack planes and helicopters, folded like an old deck of used cards in two weeks’ time confronted by …

20 years of war finally end in Kabul without a bang:

Biden Could Have Spared Afghanistan and US 6 Months of Pointless War by Just Ending It

  There are two things I suppose everyone would agree are true about the remarkable events of the past several weeks in Afghanistan. One is that we are witnessing the latest  major loss in a string of wars and “incursions” that the US has lost since the end of World War II. The other is …

Key Supporter Craig Murray Imprisoned:

Setback for Assange in UK Trial over US Effort to Extradite Wikileaks Founder

Chances that the United States will get its way with extradition to its territory and incarcerate our messenger for life are now greater. It is imperative that everyone who understands the need for a free press, the people’s fundamental-democratic right to know, must act to defend Julian Assange. No journalist who does not support journalism’s …

Petulance as foreign policy:

Bomber Biden Sends in B-52 Bombers in a Tantrum over Taliban Advance

  In what can only be called a criminal and murderous tantrum by a loser, the United States, on the order of President Joe Biden, has begun dispatching B-52 Stratofortress bombers and AC-130 fixed-wing gunships equipped with large Gatling machine guns and a cannon to carpet-bomb and perpetrate mass killing on Taliban forces surging to …

Facts, Legends, Big Lies, Bullshit and Fairy Tales

A Right Wing Call For Rough Men

The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic and a killer. -D.H. Lawrence One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit. -Harry Frankfurt, On Bullshit I had an interesting exchange recently with a man I met at my local Panera where I often have a breakfast sandwich …

Denmark Flexing its neo-colonialist muscle


Mattias Tesfaye (S) afviser enigt Ikast-Brande byråd: Kærshovedgård skal have tid | Herning Folkeblad The African Union and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) condemn the state of Denmark and its Social Democrat government for xenophobia. An Uncle Tom, “integration” minister Mattias Tesfaye (Ethiopian-Danish), is …

From PBS's Syndicated Program 'White House Chronicle':

Dave Lindorff Discusses his Nation Article on Coastal Dumps Threatened by Rising Seas

  Veteran journalist and editor Lewellyn King, and colleague Linda Gasparello, co-hosts of the PBS syndicated program “White House Chronicle,” interview author/journalist/film producer Dave Lindorff about his latest article in the Nation magazine on the threat to facing tens of thousands of landfills sited along the three coasts of the United States, where they are …