A Complicated American Life for our Times

The Rhymes of Imperial Gangsterism

GANGSTERS OF CAPITALISM: Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America’s Empire; St. Martin’s Press, 2021, 412 pages. History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.                                               -Attributed to Mark Twain The tale journalist/historian Jonathon M. Katz tells in his new book, Gangsters of Capitalism, is an epic story that “rhymes” a …

As US forces head to Europe and Asia, war risk grows:

US Wants a New War or at Least Public Fears of One

  This article is published in Salon.com, which assigned it.   Last August with a chaotic evacuation by air of the last US troops in Afghanistan, President Biden effectively ended one of the country’s most embarrassing and pointless wars, leaving that battered land fully in the control of the Taliban — the same dogged AK-toting …

Washington's hypocrisy knows no bounds

How Can the US Accuse Any Nation of Violating ‘Rules-Based International Order’?

Sometimes the hypocrisy of the US government, especially when it comes to foreign affairs, it just too much to let pass. The latest example of this is the Ukraine crisis, where the US pretty much stands all alone (unless you count Britain’s embattled and embarrassed Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who parrots US policy like a …

Turning off the tap:

The Pentagon Fails Its Fourth Consecutive Audit

(This artidle was written for The Edge, a publication of Ithaca College’s Park Center for Independent Media.) One of the biggest blacked-out stories of 2021 surely has to be the news, on November 16, that the Pentagon once again had abysmally failed to pass an audit, despite the best efforts of 1,200 top-flight Wall Street …

Tenderized by life (followed by a footnote on LOW and thoughts on the writing of this poem)

There was a dog in my dream with 6 legs. One of the dog’s legs didn’t work. He didn’t need that leg. He had 5 perfectly good legs. This dream is interesting to me. There is a part of me that doesn’t work. This could be a real problem if I was a different person. …

Falsehoods flow about American racism

Smears From King To Guinier To CRT – The Same Old Same Old

What race-based assault is common to legendary civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., recently deceased Harvard Law School Professor Lani Guinier and Critical Race Theory (CRT) – the analytical framework some academicians use to dissect institutional racism in America? Intense, irrational ire mainly from white conservatives bent on blocking both racial progress and …

Our ‘socialist’ telescope is about to show us creation:

Capitalism and the Profit-Motive Didn’t Create the James Webb Space Telescope

We have two examples of economic systems and of individual scientific workers and business people doing what they do that offer a instructive illustrations of why the US is so screwed up, and why it doesn’t have to be that way. The first is the extraordinary new (if unfortunately named) James Webb telescope heading rapidly …

Newly released FBI files explain a 70-year-old mystery:

One Brother Gave the Soviets the A-Bomb; The Other Was Honored for Designing US ICBMs

To hear the podcast of the author speaking about and elaborating on this article in the Nation magazine, in an interview by Nation contributing editor Jon Wiener, click here. The interview begins at the 14:10 point in the podcast. In April 1950, three months before Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were arrested as Soviet atomic spies, FBI director …