Danish Journalists Could Be Imprisoned in US for Whistleblower Revelations

Outposts of the US Surveillance Empire: Denmark and Beyond

Danish Defense Intelligence Service property collects massive data for the NSA. Sandagergaard, Amager Island, close to Copenhagen. [Source: computerworld.dk] Data acquired by the NSA has been used to convince the Danish government to buy fighter jets from Lockheed-Martin. Denmark’s military allows the United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) to spy on the nation’s Finance Ministry, …

Withdraw? You can’t do that!

For the US in Afghanistan’s Endless War, Surrender is Apparently Not an Option

The US War in —or on—Afghanistan has rightly been called the “Forever War.” Launched on October 7, 2001, while the ruins of the World Trade Center were still smoldering from the 9/11 attacks five weeks earlier, the war is now in its 19th year, making it almost nine years longer than the Vietnam War. And …

'They should be beheaded!'

Trump and Giuliani Go Full IS in attack on Biden and Democrats

  It’s often been noted that countries that go to war tend to adopt the behaviors of their enemies in fighting them, and then bring that war and the techniques they have appropriated home where they begin to apply them domestically. For at least two decades, since the US in 2001 launched its so-called “War” …

‘Free Press = Free Assange’ Webinar Event

  The Covid-19 Global Solidarity Coalition [i] condemns the on-going persecution and prosecution of Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, a non-profit organization that has published more than 10 million classified documents just between 2006 and 2016 revealing war crimes, torture, corruption and other outrages committed by scores of governments. Exposure of official wrongdoing should be applauded not …

The good, the bad and the ugly

Some Thoughts on the November 3 National Election

  First the good thing about the Nov. 3 Election outcome:  Donald Trump, a wannabe tyrant who seemed to be consciously channeling Italian fascist Benito Mussolini with his balcony appearances at the White House, and Hitler with his brown-shirted and black-shirted federal goon squad in Porteland Oregon snatching demonstrators off the street and hauling them …

50th country ratifies UN treaty banning nuclear weapons

Effective January 1, 2021 Nuclear Weapons Will Be Illegal

  Flash! Nuclear bombs and warheads have just joined landmines, germ and chemical bombs and fragmentation bombs as illegal weapons under international law, as on Oct. 24  a 50th nation, the Central American country of Honduras, ratified and signed a UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Of course, the reality is that despite …

Commander-in-Chief Bonespur waddles into a new controversy:

Trump Disses Troops but Correctly Labels 2 of America’s Costliest Wars Unjustified or ‘Stupid’

Let’s be honest about America’s wars and the men (overwhelmingly) and women who have fought them. Most of the wars that the US has launched or fought in, dating back to at least the War of 1812, were not just or necessary, could have been avoided, and wasted precious lives and national wealth, often while …

Who needs rubber bullets, bayonets, rocket launchers, MRAP vehicles and surveillance drones in the US?

Military Equipment Provided Free to Local Police Departments Bring US Wars Home to American Cities and Communities

Transcript of RT-TV interview of Dave Lindorff by RT’s Caleb Maupin: Maupin:  Why does the Department of Defense have so much excess gear that it needs to unload, anyway? Lindorff:  The US has been involved in so many wars, they become occupations, and the military has developed techniques for operating as an occupying army, and …

Fascism on the march:

Is Trump Using the Nation’s Capital as a Test Site for Scrapping Constitutional Government and Establishing Martial Law?

It’s been less than two weeks since the murder by cop of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and in that short time, an astonishing rebellion has sprung up from the angry grass roots. It began among a black population for whom this vicious videotaped slow and casual killing of a non-violent black suspect of a minor …