Lessons go unlearned again:

Why Did the Afghan Army Fold So Fast? Because They had Nothing to Fight For

  American pundits, politicians and Pentagon apologists are all casting about trying to find the reason why the Afghanistan military, supposedly 300,000 trained people in uniform and supplied with over $83 billion in US weaponry including ground attack planes and helicopters, folded like an old deck of used cards in two weeks’ time confronted by …

How Much Socialism Will US and Peru Allies Allow?

Peru Finally Gets its First Socialist President, Pedro Castillo

Free Peru supporters show their glee during the victory announcement of their candidates. Foto: John Reyes / La República   Peru’s National Electoral Jury (JNE) finally announced, July 19, socialists Pedro Castillo, 51, and running mate, attorney Dina Boluarte, 58, of the Free Peru party as the presidential and vice-presidential just nine days prior to …

Peace-washing the anti-war movement and limiting criticism of Biden and Dems

Are Big Donors Neutralizing Peace Movement Activism?

  This article by Dave Lindorff and appearing in Salon magazine, was researched and written with the assistance of a grant from the ExposeFacts program of the Institute for Public Accuracy   During the four years of the Trump administration, resistance and even revolutionary talk were in the air as organizations with names like The Resistance and Our …

With 'forever' wars over on 9/11, time to SLASH Pentagon spending!

Biden Shows True Colors Proposing Bigger War Department Budget than Trump

President Joe Biden has shown his true colors, as this nation mis-celebrates Memorial Day Weekend by guzzling beer and other alcoholic drinks, racking up  a typically epic death toll on the highways, and risking a new upsurge in the Coronavirus pandemic partying without masks,  marking the date himself by proposing a record new military budget. …