What kind of ‘democracy’ is this?

We Americans Need a Say in How Far the US Should Go in Backing Ukraine!

Russian president Vladimir Putin is playing a dangerous game by making threats to use ‘small’ so-called theater nuclear weapons with explosive power just a fraction of the power of the city-busting bombs the US used on Japan in August 1945.   But so is the White House and the Pentagon playing a dangerous game in …

How can we call Ukraine a part of the 'free world'?

Defending Ukraine’s Draft Dodgers

      Back in 2015, when I was driving from Kuopio Finland up to the country’s far north to write an article on global warming and how it was affecting the Sami indigenous people of Lappland, I found myself offering rides to a number of Ukrainian young people, mostly male, or males accompanied by …

Important history lesson:

NATO is Not a Defensive International Organization But Was Founded to Threaten the USSR

  Reading US reports on the deadly Russian rocket attack on the so-called International Peacekeeping and Security Center in western Ukraine, one could be excused for thinking that the Russians might have been destroying some UN peacekeeping base. In fact, the deceptively named target, as a few US news reports on the attack did note, …

Berlin should step up and end the war in Ukraine:

Germany Deserves a Big Share of the Blame for the Disaster in Ukraine

  Nobody is talking about the blame that must be shouldered by the German government for the crisis and humanitarian disaster in Ukraine. Sure Russia is guilty of a huge war crime in invading Ukraine,  Surely too, the US must  be blamed for creating the situation which led Russia and its autocratic leader Vladimir Putin …

To idiot politicians and pundits calling for a US 'no-fly' zone over Ukraine:

If the US or NATO Put Fighters in the Air over Ukraine We’d Have World War Final

  “Clearly, in the absence of a U.N. resolution, which Russia would veto, a strong coalition of like-minded nations should step in and seriously consider a no-fly zone over the Ukraine.”                               — Sen. Tom Wicker, (R-Miss), Senate Armed Services Committee …