Luis Arce is Bolivia’s New President:

Morales’ Socialist Party Wins Election

You tube kamina sur TV photo of the new president and vice-president. A victory for the majority of Bolivians, a victory for the world’s poor, the indigenous, and supporters of equality, world peace, bread and land for all. October 19 exit polls show that the majority’s leader, Luis Arce, and running mate David Choquehuanca Céspedes, …

Cooperative Economy vs. Capitalism

Worldwide Launching: Coalition for Universal Peace and Sustainable Life

The COVID-19 Global Solidarity Coalition will launch twice on May 23—09:00 and 21:00 EST time—unveiling a Manifesto signed by thousands of people and scores of organizations worldwide. The COVID-19 Global Solidarity Coalition began forming in March by 60 academics, activists, writers, artists, workers and students from a score of countries. Brief introductions of founding members are …

The Sanders and socialism debate:

The Roots to Social Democracy, Capitalism and Socialism

Bernie Sanders began running for president describing himself first as a socialist, later as a “democratic socialist”. The news media (when it wasn’t ignoring him) in turn called him a “socialist” or even, in their opinion pages, a “communist” or a “Bolshevik,”. His red-baiting opponents, and even his supporters and opponents on the left, have been arguing about …

The third in a ThisCantBeHappening! discussion of the 2020 Sanders campaign:

Sanders is No Socialist; He’s not even a Democratic Socialist

  By Ron Ridenour   Entering into the debate on the pages of TCHB, namely pieces by Laurie Dobson (April 9) and Dave Lindorff, let me start by defining what social democracy is and is not. Social democracy is not socialism. It is various reforms for improving workers lives so that they will not overthrow …

Another Sanders betrayal

Sanders Supporter Asks Why Didn’t Sanders Carry on the Fight to the End?

By Laurie Dobson As people come to grips today with the Wednesday’s announcement that Bernie Sanders has suspended, i.e. dropped out of, his campaign, a myriad of collective feelings will have to run their inevitable course. My first reactions are that I feel profoundly let down. In the middle of Holy Week, for God’s sake! …

Sucking up to Boss Bezos

Columnist Thiessen, in Calling AOC ‘Economically Illiterate,’ Displays Instead His Own Economic Ignorance

Listening to President Trump, you’d think the socialist barbarians were at the gates of America preparing to overrun the US with a Soviet-style state-run economy where every car would be the same make and color, everyone would be wearing Mao suits and freedom and social mobility, those great mythical assets that we supposedly have in …

Bernie’s back, but is he all in this time?

Could Sanders 2.0 Win It All, Getting the Democratic Nomination and Defeating Trump?

Listening to Sen. Bernie Sanders’ videoed announcement of his candidacy for the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination, I was struck by how much has changed since 2016, and how little. Sanders, recall, ran a spirited primary campaign against Hillary Clinton, a campaign that was undermined by crooked dealing, dirty tricks and sabotage by the Hillary …