Unsung heroes of Los Alamos:

Rethinking Manhattan Project Spies and the Cold War, MAD — and the 75 years of no nuclear war — that their efforts gifted us

  75 years ago, just before dawn on July 16, 1945, a cataclysmic explosion  brighter than the still unseen sun hook the New Mexico desert as scientists from the top-secret Manhattan Project tested their nightmarish creation:  the first atom bomb dubbed “the Gadget” by its inventors (the test was called “Trinity.”) This birth of the …

Cooperative Economy vs. Capitalism

Worldwide Launching: Coalition for Universal Peace and Sustainable Life

The COVID-19 Global Solidarity Coalition will launch twice on May 23—09:00 and 21:00 EST time—unveiling a Manifesto signed by thousands of people and scores of organizations worldwide. The COVID-19 Global Solidarity Coalition began forming in March by 60 academics, activists, writers, artists, workers and students from a score of countries. Brief introductions of founding members are …

Credit where credit’s due:

Credit where credit’s due: Trump Does Something Right for Once

By Dave Lindorff It’s entertaining to read and watch the collective horror being expressed in the US media and the Congress as President Trump unexpectedly calls for a quick end to US military involvement in Syria, where for years US forces and CIA-trained fighters have been wreaking havoc and death and sowing chaos in a …