Snakes and would-be leaders:

Warren’s Identity-Politics Race for the Nomination Dies as She Drags Sanders’ Campaign Down with Her

  I will bet, Elizabeth Warren, that it has been a long time since you had insecurity about the basic needs in life. You are supremely set up for life. I know your type; I used to float in your circles. Wearing a fancy Patagonia jacket to your press conference to talk to all the …

Policies don’t matter to The Times, just a candidate’s sex:

NY’s ‘Gray Lady’ Tries to Undermine Sanders, Endorsing Both Democratic Women Presidential Candidates

  By Laurie Dobson Too bad Kamala Harris couldn’t make a go of her Presidential campaign, or the NYT would have gone triple threat, and made it a three-women gang-up against Bernie in their endorsement. Maybe it’s not too late? In fact, as it is thanks to the NYT, it is now a three-legged race. …

Warren, with CNN help, plays wronged-woman card against Sanders:

Could We Be Witnessing the Demise of Identity Politics?

  In the current race for the Democratic presidential nomination, there have been two prevailing narratives.  One is the battle between the so-called “moderates” (actually neoliberals) vs. “progressives,” in which candidates like Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang and, at least until recently, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, are pitted against “lefty” Bernie Sanders …

Moment of truth on military spending in the NY Times:

Military Spending’s Out of Control while Slashing It Could Easily Fund Medicare for All

  Something very unusual happened on Thursday, Oct. 17. The New York Times suddenly ran an article on its opinion page explaining how to cut $300 billion from the $1-trillion military budget — enough, the article explained, to fund Bernie Sanders’ proposed program for an expanded Medicare program to cover all Americans without raising a …