Cooperative Economy vs. Capitalism

Worldwide Launching: Coalition for Universal Peace and Sustainable Life

The COVID-19 Global Solidarity Coalition will launch twice on May 23—09:00 and 21:00 EST time—unveiling a Manifesto signed by thousands of people and scores of organizations worldwide. The COVID-19 Global Solidarity Coalition began forming in March by 60 academics, activists, writers, artists, workers and students from a score of countries. Brief introductions of founding members are …

The Sanders and socialism debate:

The Roots to Social Democracy, Capitalism and Socialism

Bernie Sanders began running for president describing himself first as a socialist, later as a “democratic socialist”. The news media (when it wasn’t ignoring him) in turn called him a “socialist” or even, in their opinion pages, a “communist” or a “Bolshevik,”. His red-baiting opponents, and even his supporters and opponents on the left, have been arguing about …