What did the moth want?

Industrial sea Meets industrial river’s edge Things forever trapped in things Carbon footprint Industrial ice Time-trap-buzz Numbers in sequence Industrial spillway Bench with no view Land-full Wasted breath Industrial breath High up wind Forgotten codes Of industrial footprint Dawn breaks so what? Moon rises Industrial moon Waxing, waning Over posthistoric phrases On a brick wall …

For those who aid US’s ‘outlaws,’ no good deed goes unpunished:

Sri Lankan Refugee Family That Hid Snowden in Hong Kong Now Trapped in Limbo

Hong Kong — The bipartisan vengeance of the US government and its pervasive intelligence apparatus, on display currently in its rabid hounding of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, appears to know no bounds. But as ugly as the full-court effort to bag Assange, already trapped by US the combined efforts of complicit governments in Britain and …

Hong Kong looks freer than the US these days:

Press Freedom is Under Threat in the Land of its Birth

  Hong Kong — Here in this ultra-modern city on the coast of southern China, I read in the morning paper that 11 consulates representing most of the nations of Europe, have lodged protests with the city’s chief executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor over a controversial new extradition bill that if passed would allow Hong …

Will They Find Their Backbone?

Congress Is Being Punked

  [T]he culture rewards smartness with success because “smartness” is, definitionally, the ability to succeed in the culture. -Robert Hayman, The Smart Culture: Society, Intelligence, and Law No one suggests Donald Trump is not “smart.” He has certainly figured out how to succeed in the corrupt culture we live in. But does that mean he …

What 50 countries are backing Guaidó?

Who knows? Who cares? If the Media Claim 50 Countries Reject Venezuela’s Elected President and Repeat It Enough It Must Be True

American media still refer to Juan Guaidó, America’s hand-picked “legitimate leader” or “legitimate president” of Venezuela, as having an “administration.” The truth is that his “administration” — consisting of advisors and other opposition leaders — are all either arrested and being held by the government, hiding, seeking asylum in various foreign embassies (Spanish, Italian, Brazilian …

Why we need alternative media and FAIR:

Failed ‘Coup’ Actually a Corporate Fake News Story Designed to Trick Venezuelan Soldiers and the Public

After days of breathless reporting in the US media about public and military support for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro collapsing, and about an April 30 coup by presidential poseur Juan Guaidó, we now know the truth:  the whole thing was a fraud staged at the instigation of Washington in hopes that the Venezuelan people and rank-and-file troops would fall …

The US cannot understand how loathed it is south of the border

It’s Looking Like Another Failed Coup Attempt by the US and Its Puppet Guaidó in Venezuela

The imperialist neocons infesting the Trump administration, and the orange-faced  joke of a president himself, may think they can invent their own reality through propaganda, as Bush’s “brain” Karl Rove used to claim about the Bush/Cheney administration, but when it comes to Latin America, they fail to realize how deeply the people of that continent …