Patrolling a newly ice-free Arctic Ocean from a home port doomed by rising seas

The US Navy Has a Water Problem

  The United States Navy has a big problem, one quite peculiar for such a huge seagoing organization: too much water. The problem isn’t the water itself; the Navy knows how to handle water. The problem is that global warming is putting too much water in the wrong places. of those places is Naval Station …

Applause meter gives it to Sanders at union gathering

Faux ‘Working Man’s’ Candidate Biden Looking Like a Loser after Philly AFL-CIO Presidential Summit

  Philadelphia — At a packed ‘Presidential Summit’ on Tuesday organized and sponsored by this city’s AFL-CIO Labor Council, former Delaware Senator and Vice-President and repeat Democratic presidential primary contender Joe Biden’s oft-touted claim to be the “working-class,” or alternatively “middle-class” favorite looked pretty exaggerated. Assigned pole position as the first candidate to get 30 …

Hell No! We can’t go!:

Why on Earth Would the US Go to War with Iran over an Attack on Saudi Oil Refineries?

President Bone Spur, backed by his war-mongering Secretary of State Mike “Armageddon” Pompeo, tweeted yesterday that the US military is “locked and loaded,” ready to attack (bomb) Iran if it can be proven that Iran was behind a drone bomb attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil refineries. There are plenty of news media in the US …

Really remembering 9-11

Recalling the Hundreds of Thousands of Civilian Victims of America’s Endless ‘War on Terror’

Now that the flags are back waving from the tops of flagpoles across the country, and the maudlin paeans to the close to 3000 lives lost in the airplane attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, it’s time we gave a thought to the dead who were ignored. According …

The media war-machine is kicking in:

US Media Keep Saying Iran is ‘In Violation’ of a Nuclear Agreement the US Withdrew From

Yes, Iran is increasing the number of centrifuges it is using to refine nuclear fuel, and yes, it is refining that fuel to a higher percentage of U-235, the isotope that allows the uranium to begin a chain reaction necessary for both fueling a nuclear reactor and for creating an atomic bomb. But in taking …

Growing harassment of Muslims, activists and journalists:

Are Terrorist Watch Lists Expanding Under Trump?

My wife, Joyce, and I recently traveled to Vienna for a week, where she had been invited to perform on Austrian state radio. Passing through Heathrow on our way home, we were separated by an automated security gate. The gate, which required you to scan your boarding pass, allowed Joyce through, but when I ran …

Reasons to doubt US argument for A-bombing Japan:

Did the US Really Intend to Destroy the Soviet Union with its Nuclear Monopoly?

74 years ago by the United States dropped the only two atomic bombs exploded  in war on cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Today, recalling those events,  remember that the US still refuses to renounce a strategy of first-strike use of its nuclear arsenal. This has me pondering two questions that should raise enormous doubts in …