As with Nixon, impeaching Trump requires a slow boil, not a stir-fry

Democrats Make a Huge Mistake If They Just Focus Impeachment on the Ukraine Scandal

The impeachment theater on display today in the House, bracketed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s maudlin reading of Article I of the Constitution, and by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s ludicrous evocation of the Stalin purge trials to characterize the full House vote to establish impeachment rules and procedures, is increasingly looking like the first act …

Life Without Parole Sentences Rob Taxpayers & Pervert Justice

Hundreds from across Pennsylvania rallied inside the Rotunda of the Capitol in Harrisburg recently to offer a solution for resolving an enormously expensive problem in state law that plagues the state’s prison system That expensive problem arises from Pennsylvania’s Life Without Parole (LWOP) sentences that keep inmates in prison until they die. Every year Pennsylvania’s …

Drones and the Weapons of the Future Must Be Regulated

Donald Trump and the New, New World Order

When the going gets weird, the weird go pro. (Hunter Thompson) For weeks, I’ve been reading New York Times stories that, as a military veteran of the anti-war movement for the past 35 years, really blow my mind. For one thing, President Trump is in a domestic, political war with what he and his allies …

Moment of truth on military spending in the NY Times:

Military Spending’s Out of Control while Slashing It Could Easily Fund Medicare for All

  Something very unusual happened on Thursday, Oct. 17. The New York Times suddenly ran an article on its opinion page explaining how to cut $300 billion from the $1-trillion military budget — enough, the article explained, to fund Bernie Sanders’ proposed program for an expanded Medicare program to cover all Americans without raising a …

The US has a sordid history of betraying minority groups that do its fighting

Sure Trump is ‘Betraying the Kurds!’ but What’s New about That?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is attacking President Trump for pulling US troops out of Syria, where they’ve been engaging in an illegal and bloody war against the Syrian government and its military for at least five years (not counting the three prior years when the US was providing arms and training to Syrian rebels, …

An interview by Dave Marash on the NPR-syndicated 'Here and There' program

Dave Lindorff Tells about Finding Himself on the US Government’s Terrorist Watch List

Dave Marash: For the first time ever, I am turning over the writing of much of this introduction to our guest today, investigative reporter Dave Lindorff –- which is to say, I’m simply going to read to you excerpts from his piece in the August, 22 edition of The Nation. Dave and his wife were …