No brokered convention!:

If Sanders Wins a Big Plurality of Delegates, He Must Be the Democratic Presidential Nominee

           At the end of the Nevada debate on Wednesday evening, each of the candidates on NBC stage was asked one last question: If nobody has a majority of delegates after the primaries, should there be a brokered Convention? All the candidates answered yes except for Bernie Sanders, who as the acknowledged front-runner in …

Notes from New Hampshire to Texas:

Sanders Ramps Up His Message, while the Media’s Message Wranglers Ride Herd

  In my travels through New Hampshire before the February 11th NH Primary, I witnessed no negative energy of any kind being displayed during 12 Sanders campaign event stops. This included: at canvassing/GOTV organizing offices in Salem, Hudson, Portsmouth and  Manchester, at rallies in Keene, UNH Durham, and SNHU Manchester, at a breakfast rally in …

Ridiculing MLK's historic 'Firsts' in the Garden State:

Top NJ Officials Block Honoring of Martin Luther King’s Historic Camden Legacy

The Governor of New Jersey and that state’s two top black elected officials face criticism for their silence on a recent ruling by New Jersey state historic preservation authorities that devalues the early activism of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Many deem that ruling fallacious while some also denounce that ruling as racist. Dr. King …

What does a social democratic political program really mean?

Truly Remaking Social Security is the Key to Having a Livable Society in the US

Social Security is back in the news, as both Donald Trump and Michael Bloomberg, two emblematic one-percenter oligarchs, raise the issue of its future as part of their campaign strategy. Trump (a faux wannabe billionaire) has put Americans on notice that while he may have promised during his 2016 campaign “not to touch” the New …

Sanders win wasn't just powered by young people:

Voices from Bernie Voters in New Hampshire’s Primary

  In the wake of Bernie Sanders’ narrow win in a big field of candidates in New Hampshire’s Democratic Primary, blogger Laurie Dobson recalls some of the Sanders backers she met covering the campaign in the state. Manchester — As the polls are closing in NH, I am remembering the Bernie people. The unremarkable, everyday …

Executions of enemies on the National Mall?

The Red-Baiting of Bernie Sanders Has Begun and is Already Laughable

  By Dave Lindorff With Bernie Sanders now having won New Hampshire (and probably Iowa, where he won the popular vote) and confirmed his position as the frontrunner for president in the Democratic Party primaries (the New York Times’ poll guru Nate Silver is giving him a better than 40% chance of gaining enough delegates …

Report from the front lines:

Looking for Media Manipulation and Fraud in in the New Hampshire Democratic Primary

  Manchester, NH —  I have been on the ground since yesterday (Sunday), two days prior to the NH Primary. This is my home state, so I know the territory. Today I went to Portsmouth, Salem, Derry, and Manchester and will be heading to Keene tonight and Durham tomorrow, always following the Sanders campaign. While …

The whole DNC and Chairman Perez should be shit-canned

The Democratic Party Leadership Has Done the Impossible, Disgracing Itself!

  Hooray for Bernie Sanders! He waited until he had the numbers and now he’s calling it. He won Iowa! Maybe the same corporate media that have been touting Pete Buttigieg as the “presumptive winner” in the messy Iowa Caucus, now that their story is collapsing are unwilling to call it for Bernie. Sanders, in …

Advice from a Sanders campaign veteran:

How to Combat Caucus Crap in 2020

   As a seasoned politician/political Democratic candidate, since 2002, I have seen my share of efforts by the Democratic Party to subvert my campaigns. Most recently, when I ran as a 2016 ‘Bernie Democrat’ candidate for state rep in Maine, I saw up close that my campaign, and the Sanders campaign too, were defrauded of …