Dave Lindorff interviewed about Trump's and Barr's 'Occupy Model' plans for crushing anti-police movement

US Justice Department is Classifying Anti-Police Movement as Terrorism

KPFA’s Mitch Jeserich, host of “Letters and Politics,” interviews Dave Lindorff about the Trump and Barr plan to follow the Obama administration’s “Occupy Model” for crushing dissent in going after the anti-police-brutality and defund the police movement sweeping the nation. Listen here and start at 32.55 on the mp.3 of the interview.

Article in FAIR.org

NY Times Acknowledges Need for Economic Change—Without Crediting Those Who Would Bring It

(This article by Dave Lindorff appears in Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting where it can be read in its entirety)   Online readers of the New York Times might have been forgiven if, when they got to the editorial section on June 24, they thought they had accidentally jumped to the website of Socialist Action, or at least The …

Trumpian xenophobia expands to include smart, well-funded foreigners:

Trump Antipathy Towards Foreign College Students Digs US Economic Hole Even Deeper

By Allen Baker President Donald Trump’s belligerence toward China and his administration’s heartless and ill-thought-out Executive order to throw out foreign college students whose colleges, for health reasons, opt for another semester of on-line classes, could cast another wrench into the already clanking engine of the US economy. US colleges enroll around 1.1 million foreign …

An argument that doesn't pass the smell test

Did Tammy Duckworth Fight For Our Right to Protest?

[T]he imperial power that we veterans fought for abroad is the same one some of us are now struggling against at home, and the two couldn’t be more intimately linked. Our struggle is, at least in part, over who gets to define patriotism. – Danny Sjursen, The Nation I have nothing against Tammy Duckworth as …

Surprise kind words for Obama administration brutality from Trump

Trump Praises and Adopts Prior Administration’s Methods for Crushing Dissent, Turns Them on Police Protesters

(This article appeared initially as an opinion piece on RT.com) US President Trump has called Obama’s model for crushing the 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement “beautiful” and is using it to label even peaceful BLM protesters as domestic terrorists. It’s police state stuff. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The US Constitution’s Bill of Rights makes it crystal clear in …

Changing the state constitution to defeat Republican opposition to insuring the poor

Big Win for Medicaid Expansion in Oklahoma Referendum

(This article is a joint publication project of ThisCantBeHappening! and Tarbell.org) A campaign cobbled together on a tight deadline required by Oklahoma’s strict referendum law, battled and won a narrow victory last Tuesday to amend the state’s constitution and mandate the expansion of Medicaid, overcoming the opposition of a Republican governor and legislature and major …

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ThisCantBeHappening! is a collectively owned and run news site. The eight members of the collective do our work virtually for free, depending for support from you, the reader. Most of you readers don’t bother to support us. We do not copyright our work the way most sites do, and instead allow other news sites to …

Remember the adage 'Turnabout is fair play?'

Why the High Dudgeon over Alleged Russian Bounties for Taliban Slaying of US Troops

  Democratic politicians like presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden and House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi and liberal media pundits are all screaming for “action” against Russia based on an article in the New York Times that relies on anonymous sources in the “military” and “US intelligence.” The article, picked up by most major media unquestioningly, asserts base …

New article in the Nation by Dave Lindorff

Tear Gas and Clubs in Lafayette Square were Just the Beginning

Trump and Barr are turning to the “Occupy model” to crush the current uprising against police brutality.  On June 1, President Trump ordered National Park Police and troops from the District of Columbia National Guard and some other federal law enforcement agencies to drive peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square, north of the White House, to …