Natural selection at work

What Happens When Leaders Won’t Shut Disease-Spreading Businesses and Make Mask Shunning a Political Statement

The above graph speaks for itself, but it certainly unarguably demonstrates how Darwin’s theory of natural selection works, with creatures that successfully face adversity surviving to reproduce successfully while those that fail tests of adversity tend to die off. It shows that Republican-led states that, in the face of higher and higher numbers of Covid …

‘Free Press = Free Assange’ Webinar Event

  The Covid-19 Global Solidarity Coalition [i] condemns the on-going persecution and prosecution of Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, a non-profit organization that has published more than 10 million classified documents just between 2006 and 2016 revealing war crimes, torture, corruption and other outrages committed by scores of governments. Exposure of official wrongdoing should be applauded not …

The good, the bad and the ugly

Some Thoughts on the November 3 National Election

  First the good thing about the Nov. 3 Election outcome:  Donald Trump, a wannabe tyrant who seemed to be consciously channeling Italian fascist Benito Mussolini with his balcony appearances at the White House, and Hitler with his brown-shirted and black-shirted federal goon squad in Porteland Oregon snatching demonstrators off the street and hauling them …

The Stranding of the Human Race: The Human / Dolphin Enigma

I have been reading “Voices in the Ocean” where Susan Casey starts out with a story of how a chance encounter with Spinner dolphins (in Hawaii) changed her life for the better when she was deeply depressed and grieving the recent death of her father. She also painstakingly traces the history of commercial exploitation and …

Impunity for brutality must end

Police Brutality Strikes Again — This Time in Philadelphia!

Over two decades ago Philadelphia’s then top prosecutor made an observation applicable to recent actions by many members of the Philadelphia Police Department. Those recent foul actions include the fatal police shooting of a mentally ill man and the vicious police beating of a woman and her teenage nephew that also traumatized this woman’s two-year-old …

Beware of CIA threats

Two Latin American Peoples’ Victories for Equality and Sovereignty

                      Chilean Spring Protests. (Wikipedia photo) Chileans and Bolivians are turning the tide away from coup governments imposed on them by right-wing national militarists and the US State Department/CIA. Within the past week, we have witnessed an overwhelming Chilean victory to rewrite the constitution forced …