A million names yet a total failure at preventing fascist insurrection:

Time to Trash the Terrorist Watch List, a Police-State Frankenstein Gone Off the Rails

  I have something in common with some of the brownshirt thugs who assaulted the Capitol, some reportedly intent on kidnapping and/or killing congressional leaders and members like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader and  presumptive Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Vice President Mike Pence.  No, I’m not a brownshirt fascist. I’m …

American arrogance exposed

Africans See U.S. Ugly That AmeriKKKa Ignores

Like many across the African continent and around the world, noted author Patrick Gathara had “an epiphany” about America after President Donald Trump delivered an incendiary speech on January 6, 2021 that incited a violent mob attack on the U.S. Capitol. When that mob invaded the Capitol building members of the Congress, the Senate and …

Selective Enforcement and the Struggle For Justice

Redirect Enforcement Against the Right

“Mac, who in hell are these vigilantes, anyway? What kind of guys are they?” “Why, they’re the dirtiest guys in any town. They’re the same ones that burned the houses of the old German people during the war. They’re the same ones that lynched Negroes. They like to be cruel. They like to hurt people, …

Imagine Black People Storming Capitol Hill

January 6: What a Day!

  Vanessa Baraister may enter the English Book of Guinness for illogic, inconsistency, incompetence, and bootlicking. What a day! For me, it started with waiting for my model of honest journalism being released from a torture chamber hellhole at Bellmarsh solitary confinement prison. Julian Assange is imprisoned for showing the world, with 100% factual information …

Pence calling the shots when it comes to the Pentagon:

Has Trump Already been Removed as Commander in Chief?

  Little noticed during yesterday’s bizarre storming of the Capitol building by armed and violent Trump-incited American “brownshirts,” was the fact that National Guard troops, called for by Washington’s mayor, but not authorized by President Trump, were finally authorized by Vice President Pence.  The significance of this chain of authority cannot be understated, as the Trump presidency begins …

The Sad Story of How a Once Progressive Nation Became an Outpost of the American Empire

Committing War Crimes to Please U.S. Politicians: The Case of Denmark

Royal Danish army in Afghanistan. [Source: reddit.com]   “We perceive it as natural that once again we are on the way to war, part of our every day,” explained Vibeke Schou Tjalve, senior researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies. “People believe that if the USA says that it is wise, so it is wise …

US prison system seen as a death threat:

UK Judge Rejects US Extradition Request for Wikileaks’ Julian Assange

  It is certainly a great relief that the district court judge in London considering the US government’s extradition request for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who is facing espionage and other lesser counts in the United States for his organization’s expose of US war crimes and other embarrassing misconduct, has been denied. Throughout the hearing …

Is it time to get tough with Israel and Saudi Arabia?

The Abraham Accords Are Not a “Peace Deal”

Last week, the New York Times ran an article about the current hostilities in the Middle East under The Abraham Accords and what they mean for an incoming Biden administration. These accords — diplomatically linking Israel with several Arab states — were negotiated by Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, whose father, Charles, is a longtime donor …

A new chance to challenge murder conviction:

State Supreme Court rejects Faulkner Widow’s ‘Evidence-Free’ Effort to Block Mumia Appeal

  Mumia Abu-Jamal, the prison journalist long known as the “voice of the voiceless” for his compelling writings and short audio tapes about life behind bars, moved a step closer to getting a chance for a reconsideration of his earliest appeal of his conviction — an allegedly flawed Post-Conviction Relief Act hearing in 1995, as …