An Apt Metaphor for the Entire Afghan War

The Disastrous Final Drone Strike Says It All

As the US was making its exit from Afghanistan, on August 26th, thirteen US servicemen and -women were killed in a terrorist bomb at the Kabul airport; 20 more were wounded. The President saluted the coffins at Dover Air Force Base. Given the nature of a war like Afghanistan, this bombing put pressure on US …

Prejudice pervades Philadelphia's justice system

An All Too Typical But Typically Bizarre Injustice

Jesenia Calderon knew foul practices polluted Philadelphia’s justice system years before Philly’s District Attorneys Office released an unusual report in June 2021 that decried injustices arising from official misconduct by prosecutors and police. The insights into injustice held by Calderon, a nurse and military veteran, come from decades of seeing her father victimized by prosecutors, …

We still don’t know the story of what happened and why

9/11: The ‘Day That Changed Everything’

            On the evening of September 10, 2001, New York Police Officer Adam Hernandez was on patrol in his Greenwich Village precinct when he saw a man smashing car windows with a hammer. It was a random act of violence by an apparently mentally unstable person.             Officer Hernandez went …

Forgotten 'facts' are still facts

Forgotten Black Heroes of 9/11 — More Evidence of Discriminatory Denial

These Black heroes of 9/11 valiantly battled terrorism. But the sacrifices of these Black heroes will receive no recognition during the commemorations around America for the 20th Anniversary of what is considered the most tragic terrorist attack ever conducted on American soil. These heroes, William Parker and his colleagues, confronted terrorists on 9/11 in defense …

Climate Crisis Chronicle #1:

Cat 4 and 5 Hurricanes, Tornados Where They Haven’t Been, and Rising Temps Ahead Bode More of the Same

An unprecedented EF-3 tornado, powered by the remains of Hurricane Ida, ripped through Upper Dublin PA and neighboring Horsham for 20 long, destructive minutes.   My township of Upper Dublin, located about 12 miles north of Philadelphia, got clobbered by Hurricane Ida, but what’s strange about that is we’re located 1100 miles, as the crow …

Exiting a Debacle Requires Courage and Support

The Ex-President As Suffering Artist

Where is George W. Bush — the post-presidential, sensitive painter of humanity  — when Joe Biden needs him? As chairman of the board of the US Constitution Center in Philadelphia, on Veterans’ Day 2018 Joe Biden arranged for Bush and his wife Laura to receive the coveted Liberty Medal for their work with veterans. Biden, …

So, I guess we’re f–ked?! Yes. . .and No. (a narrative poem)

I’m working with a young man Doing dreamwork. During our check-in I was fretting About the ravages of climate change world-wide And he looked at me and said, My friends and I refer to it as “climate catastrophe”. My neighbor told me That he was on a walk with His “kids” recently When he overheard …

Kids die last as Biden plays tough guy:

Humbled US Leaves Chaos and Mass Murder While Fleeing Afghanistan

  America’s last days in Afghanistan offered a sickening display of all that was wrong with the $2.3-trillion, 20-year failed attempt by a blundering, self-congratulatory but decaying empire to have its way in a place it neither really cared about at all, nor understood in the least. First there was a catastrophic but predictable attack …